solved Discuss Gluck in The King of the Golden River as

Discuss Gluck in The King of the Golden River as an embodiment of the Romantic Child. Use the descriptors in Slide 21 of today’s presentation on which to build your comments. Also consider, how does Ruskin appeal the reader’s emotions to make Gluck an admirable character?Would you add another descriptor of Gluck as a Romantic Child that is not in Slide 22?
Remember to make an original post plus two responses.
?the second task is to reply or comment on two of my  classmate’s discussion with 50-100 words ?start the reply with the first sentence is that I agree with or I like or I think or I actually etc
response to SARA student one with 50 words ((((A romantic child as described by the readings has the love for and connected to nature and its living beings (humans and animals alike). A romantic child remains uncontaminated by the materialistic world. He/she is inherently good despite the lack of guidance from an adult or set of golden rules to follow. Kindness and compassion come naturally to a romantic child. These are the attributes possessed by Gluck. He demonstrated his kind heart through out the story. One instance – in letting in from the cold and rain an odd looking, strangely garbed 4 ft six in height strange gentleman despite his brothers’ instructions not to let anyone or give away anything with a promise of a beating if Gluck disobeyed. Gluck offered his own portion, (a slice of mutton) and fed this not only wet but hungry stranger. another instance-On his journey to the golden river for a prize of gold that awaits a deserving person, Gluck came across (in separate instances), an old man, a child, and a dog- who would perish if not given water to drink. Gluck gave each water to drink from his flask realizing there would be none left to drop unto the river thus eliminating his chance of attaining the gold as instructed by the King of the Golden River. This did not matter to Gluck as his main concern was to help the creatures who would otherwise die. This to him was more important than all the gold a river can give and saying “confound the king and his gold too,” Gluck poured all the water in his flask for the dog to drink. Unbeknownst to Gluck, these were tests by the King of the Golden River for a deserving man of the prize would be one who possess a kind heart; one who place other’s needs first before one’s own. Gluck’s brothers who ventured the same journey before him and presented the same circumstances failed the test and were turned to stones. In the end, Gluck’s reward was not of gold pieces, but the flow of the river created streams fertilizing the valley where his farmland was. Its rich soil brough forth ample plantings and crops. Gluck unlike his brothers never turned away a neighbor in need and he prospered for the rest of his life.
Gluck’s demeanor endeared him to the readers ( a success in Ruskin’s part in appealing to the readers’ emotions). What strikes me most was his capacity for forgiveness. He did not bear animosity nor feel vengeful towards his brothers despite the many beatings and maltreatment he received. Instead , he showed mercy. He showed his concern over his brother’s incarceration and was determined to get him out of jail. He gained employment so he could save money and pay the bail money for his jailed brother. Other descriptors I would add would be forgiving, loyalty, and devotion to his brothers.)))

Sam response with 50 words ((((The vibe I get from first reading this I thought the Old gentleman was scamming Gluck, which made me emphasis with the character that he was being played but he was just trying to be nice to the Old gentleman who came to his house. Gluck is stated to be the complete opposite of Hans and Schwartz by being kind and caring for others. He lets the old gentleman into his home because he is wet and give him his share of the food because he is hungry. As the reader we are already on Gluck’s side because of his actions to others. We can see Gluck as being admirable to the old man, child, and “dog” (really the King) that he passed on the way up the mountain. Instead of keeping his water like Hans and Schwartz, he gave it away and helped the poor people. I think it’s also important to note that after he did these actions he was happy about it and didn’t think twice about what he felt he needed to do. When Gluck gave the old man water and asked him not to drink it all and then he did, “Gluck wen ton merrily” (58). After the child, he continued to climb and never felt “so happy in his life” because he saw beautiful flowers after passing the child. We know that Hans and Schwartz never saw this. This points out a lesson saying if you help others you can be rewarded without asking. Gluck was given joy and he wanted joy for he has worked hard and been tormented long enough. Gluck is also seen as admirable by consistently standing with his brothers even though they are terrible to him. When Hans did not come back from the mountain Gluck was scared for him that he cried at night. He then took the initiative to get Schwartz out of jail by working hard and making money and food for them. Schwartz repays him by stealing this money and going to the mountain himself. Gluck would be an example of “The Child who is instinctively virtuous and not in need of formal education or sets of rules” because he never was told how to act he was just naturally a more caring and better person than his brothers. I think Gluck lives through his emotions in a sense that he makes decisions and goes with them based on how he feels. For example, he didn’t want to give the dog a drink a first but then he decided he would because his emotions got to him and made him feel bad for the poor animal. Hans and Schwartz don’t live off their emotions and just do what will be best for them and not helping others. Hans and Schwartz both noticed the thirsty people and dog and felt bad but not bad enough to where it would change their mind to help. Living and feeling your emotions and having them make decisions can be a good thing because Gluck was the most generous character. Although, this can also mean that you can be talked into anything and used and his brother definitely used him based on his emotional character.)))))

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