solved Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of comparing women and men.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of comparing women and men.

Readings and Materials

Review Course Syllabus
Textbook Readings

Helgeson: Chapter 1 Introduction
Helgeson: Chapter 3 Gender-Role Attitudes

Video Clips: Unit 1: Video Clips
Online Reading and Websites:

Where The Girls Are (And Aren’t): #15Girls (Links to an external site.)
This article that looks at the status of teen girls across the globe.
Teens taking control and changing their fate (Links to an external site.).
Special Series #15Girls: These short pieces highlight the experiences of diverse adolescent girls across the world. Please choose at least one piece from the #15 Girls series to read (or listen to).
National Organization for Men Against Sexism (Links to an external site.)

PowerPoint Presentation

Helgeson: Chapter 1 Introduction
Helgeson: Chapter 3 Gender-Role Attitudes

Textbook Student Resources

Flashcards (Links to an external site.)
Resources (Links to an external site.)
Weblinkshere are the topics for this week to help you answer


Nicole Herder5:20pmJun 10 at 5:20pm

Manage Discussion Entry
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of comparing women and men.
There are many disadvatages to comparing men and women in a discussion, a few, are that men and women are inherently different. While many of us can agree that we want men and women to be equal, it’s not necessairly as easy as saying it. There are many kinds of differences between us, from the way we expereince emotion to the way we process audio. There is a disadvantage in just simply comparing them based on the gender stereotypical roles that have been laid out for men and women in society. How do you compare and woman and a man without bringing up the difference between their genders in the first place?
An advantage that can be found when comparing men and women is that looking at these comparisons can often provide a cloer look into what sets us apart in certain ways, that are beyond the biological approach. This can also help us to find the similarities as well, which can be good for research purposes as well as personal opinions. One major advantage with the discussion of men and women is that what you find within the comparison itself, will almost never be replicated with other discussions from other people.

Collapse SubdiscussionJamylia Haren
Jamylia HarenMondayJun 7 at 3:03pm
Manage Discussion Entry
The advantages of comparing women to men mean that we are now seen as equals and can accomplish a lot of the same goals because we’re looked at as people not just our gender. The biggest advantages to equality between men and women are same paying jobs and the same type of opportunities when applying for a job. Now some of the disadvantages to this is I feel we lose some of our social norms of what a man and women are supposed to be, as women being caretakers and men being the providers. This may leave someone’s ego a little hurt with the fact that women may not need a man to provide for them or be their sole provider as they now can do it themselves whereas a man will still be looked down upon if they are staying at home fathers and don’t make as much as they would in a corporate setting. Though we should be able to live equally I feel there are a lot of people stuck in their ways about equality and that biologically we just aren’t equal which I understand but I feel it is not about being equal all around it’s about getting equal opportunities.

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