solved DISCUSSION 1:Ajunwa, I., Crawford, K., & Ford, J. S. (2016).

DISCUSSION 1:Ajunwa, I., Crawford, K., & Ford, J. S. (2016). Health and big data: An ethical framework for health information collection by corporate wellness programs. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 44(3), 474–480. on first letter of your last name, read one of the following:A-I
Ajunwa, I. (2017, January 19). Workplace wellness programs could be putting your health data at risk (Links to an external site.). Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from…Write: Based on your learning in the Prepare and Reflect sections above, write at least three paragraphs that fully address the prompt below. Cite any sources you use or refer to.Identify the type of source you read in addition to the scholarly, peer-reviewed article. Who is the audience for each source? How does the intended audience affect the choice of language, images, and organization?Analyze the credibility of the two sources that you read. What specific features of the articles led you to conclude the source was or was not credible? Provide at least one specific example for each source.Explain how each source might be used to address a specific information need. What research situations would be appropriate for each source? What concerns would you have about using the sources in those situations?Your initial post must be at least 350 words and address all of the prompt’s elements.DISCUSSION 2:Reflect: Reflect on what you found interesting, surprising, or confusing in this past week. What did you learn that caused you to understand an issue differently? What habits, tips, or resources did you discover that helped you to complete your course work more effectively or efficiently? Cite clear examples and details to support your post.Write: This discussion forum is an opportunity for you to explore topics that interest you, share critical insights and questions that you are working with, share your struggles and triumphs, and discuss difficulties that may have arisen this week, hopefully finding solutions. Your posts should describe your experiences in the course this past week, prompting further discussion. You should address at least one of the following questions:What struck you in particular as you explored the course materials this week?How might you apply this information to your life in the future?What insights have you had?What have you been struggling with?What questions have come up for you at this point?What helpful tips have you picked up in this course or in a past course?What questions do you haveabout the assignment that your classmates might be able to help with? (If you have a question for the instructor, be sure to contact your instructor through email or Canvas messaging).You are required to post at least 100 total words in this forum this weekWeekly Learning OutcomesThis week students will:Summarize scholarly sources.Evaluate scholarly sources in relation to a research question.Apply search strategies to locate scholarly sources relevant to a research question.Distinguish between various source types.Relate important characteristics of different source types to a specific information need.

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