solved Discussion 1 Discuss the value of career exploration. Since the

Discussion 1
Discuss the value of career exploration. Since the world can change so rapidly, isn’t the information collected throughout career exploration going to be irrelevant and/or outdated? Be specific and give an example to support your response.

Discussion Expectations:
Initial response should be at least two (2) paragraphs in length.
Your initial responses are due by Wednesday at 11:59pm CT.
You are required to respond/give feedback to at least two (2) of your peers, which should add value, analysis or recommendations, as this is how we learn best (experiential learning).
Your follow-up responses are due by Sunday at 11:59pm CT.
Discussion 2 

The book states that a self-assessment must include a review of ones’ past experiences: why do you think this is, why is this important, and what are the implications for one’s career?  Provide an example to support your points.

Discussion 1(Student 1-Nathaniel)
Anthony is career exploration just doing research on market trends and looking at various careers? I agree that this is certainly a part of the process but the other side of career exploration is determining how you can fit into those careers. The basic KSAO’s (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Other Characteristics) are easy to review and determine if I meet them or not but that doesn’t tell me if I am a good fit for the position. Career exploration also involves determining what I value or have interest in such as stability, progression or work/life balance, then taking those values along with industry research to see what career fields best suit me. Of course I do want to watch industry trends, I might find I am a good fit for being an electrician but if research shows that industry is expected to show little growth I may want to reconsider other options.
“Career Exploration is simply learning about various occupations and their “fit” with your unique career preferences, e.g. the skills, interests and values you want satisfied by your career. Ideally, you engage in career exploration during or after identifying your career preferences through self-assessment.” ( UC Berkeley Career Center)

Discussion 1(Student 2-Tanya)
Discuss the value of career exploration. Since the world can change so rapidly, isn’t the information collected throughout career exploration going to be irrelevant and/or outdated? Be specific and give an example to support your response.
Career exploration is more about finding the types of jobs that align with our strengths, weaknesses, preferences and dislikes than it is finding out what careers are out there. Careers change and evolve rapidly, but the basic ideas associated with the type of work are pretty stable. This is why career research is relevant even in a highly adaptable society. Career exploration improves our knowledge of career options. If we know what is available, we will have an easier time finding where we fit. If I knew all of the different jobs the Navy offered when I joined, I might not have chosen advanced electronics, but journalism or legalman instead. My mind would have been opened to other opportunities previously unknown to me.
Opportunities for career exploration give people broader exposure to what is out there. For students it can help maintain academic motivation because there are goals specific to a profession they want to enter. Career research can be useful in helping someone tune their interests and find out their niche. My niche is training and development, and is what I excel at the most. The career research process can help us assess our strengths, weaknesses, preferences, and dislikes and choose a career that aligns with that data. It also allows us to find the requirements, advantages, and disadvantages of different occupations enabling us to make an informed decision. Americans spend a great deal of time working, so being in the right field is of the utmost importance.

Discussion 2(Student 1-tracie)
Self assessment generally includes the review of one’s strengths and weaknesses, and how one can fare best in the prevailing circumstances while capitalizing on strengths and preventing the weaknesses from becoming obstacles in the path. While improvement must happen with gradual learning through experiences, one must remember the times when his /her skills, ability and perseverance were put through a test and how he /she performed. The review of such experiences( whether success of failure) helps the person to assess himself /herself, and determine whether he /she would be able to perform under given conditions as per expectations. By doing so, the person keeps himself /herself motivated with past successes, and becomes aware of the pitfalls which caused failures, to avoid them this time. The self assessment prepares one for the future challenges, helps to garner resources to deal with the situation and be successful.
Self assessment helps a person while choosing the right career according to his /her capabilities and aptitude, and acts as a diagnostic tool, while taking important career decisions, increasing the chances of success in the new role or field of work.
Example is of a person who is in his mid career, and wants to move to the passion of his life, photography from the regular corporate role. He /she can make self assessment through his /her achievements and accolades won previously, his standing against the professional photographers, through an assessment of his /her work by a professional, and his /her success rate in his previous assignments ( maybe freelance, part time work etc.), and whether the new professional would be able to support his/her economic needs. By doing careful assessment, he /she can determine if it is the right decision and time to make such change.

Discussion 2(Student 2-Derrick)
According to the Oxford Dictionary Expectations can be defined as “a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future. A belief that someone will or should achieve something.”
What are some of the expectations that we have in life. As a child we wanted to grow up and get away from mommy and daddies house. We also wanted to get out of school. But what are the expectations that you have for your life at this moment. We say we want a career, but are we or have we been working towards that career. Have we obtained that education or training that will land us the career we are wanting and hoping for. You say you want to and expect to purchase a home, but have you been saving your money and monitoring your credit. These are the things that must be done in order for you to meet your expectations. You must put the work in. Nothing comes to a sleeper but a dream.
The things that are done in our past have a way of catching up with us in our future. We must be careful of what we do, where we go, who we associate with, what we learn and what habits we pick up. This is all important is we want to be successful in life. We must monitor ourselves. We must be proactive instead of reactive. We must learn that what we want is not always right but we must study and concentrate on what needs to be done, research and then move forward. Oftentimes we are moving on reactions and not what we have researched, we just move on feelings. Those feelings are not always for a long haul but for the right now. We must learn to slow down and think before we react.
Past experiences whether they be good or bad should show us and guide us on what to do right now and in the future. If you know for yourself that there is a hole in the road because you have fallen into it, then why go back that way. There are times when the road less traveled in the best teacher and path to take.

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