solved Discussion 1 – Paying For and Expending Human CapitalTo be

Discussion 1 – Paying For and Expending Human CapitalTo be maximally effective, public relations research and practices must be mindful of activating strategic human capital and engaging public opinion. How do you do that, while being authentic and promoting mutually beneficial relationships for an organization and its publics? What are some examples of good and bad ways?Please use examples from the cases in Chapters 1, 2 & 7. As part of the discussion include your own leadership style, a brief discussion of the results of your bias quiz & ways you can put these values into practice. Instructions:There are at least 2 parts for each member of this discussion to perform.In 300–500 words or so (2-ish double-spaced typewritten pages), Explain your answer to the question below. Specifically reference the ppt and readings in this module. You don’t have to cite all of them, but draw our attention to how you are formulating your answer and supporting it with evidence.Before you write anything make sure you have taken the bias quiz and looked at “Check your bias” video. You don’t have to share the results, but reference something you learned about yourself in this quiz in your discussion.Submission Instructions:Please post your initial response by 23:59 CST Friday, March 27, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 23:59 CST Sunday, March 28.Hints from Hinton:I don’t really count words. It doesn’t really matter to me how many words you use, but I know it helps you be concise and have a goal in mind. The point is this isn’t just a quick answer question. You need to explain your concepts and source them. Respond to at least one other person’s post with “Yes, and…,” Yes, but…,” or “No, and here’s why…” Again, support your response by citing what you have read/listened to/watched.There are a lot of moving parts here, but essentially: take the bias quizanswer the questions in a narrative discussion use your results and module materialrespond to someone else.imply answering the prompt; attempts to stimulate further thought and discussion.The New Science of Human Capital – HBR VideoHuman capital & Public Relations specialist – YouTubeCheck Our Bias to Wreck Our Bias – The New York Times (

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