solved Discussion 1: Self-Determination In the Christ & Diwan (2008) article,

Discussion 1: Self-Determination
In the Christ & Diwan (2008) article, the authors list seven domains that social workers should address in order to fully assess an older client’s needs. Each domain is considered equally important. This comprehensive evaluation fits well with the social work perspective that it is important to not only address the internal concerns of clients but also their environment. Making decisions for older adults without their input occurs often. In society people sometimes treat their elders like children—making decisions for them based on what they think is best rather than from the client’s perspective. While at times this may be well intentioned, the potential for infantilism and, in turn, compromised self-determination, occurs.
For this Discussion, review the program case study for the Petrakis family. You will focus not on Helen, but on her mother-in-law, Magda. What decisions were made about Magda’s treatment without a formal assessment and/or her input? Consider how Christ & Diwan’s (2008) seven domains relate to Magda’s case. Complete an assessment for Magda and identify the choices that were made without her feedback. 
By Day 3
Post a summary of your assessment of Magda’s situation that addresses the seven domains. Fill in the gaps in content as necessary. Describe ways you would have included Magda in the original assessment and treatment plan. Include questions you would have asked Magda and her professional support system (doctors, nurses, etc.) to gain further insight into the situation.
Support your posts with specific references to the Learning Resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.
By Day 5
Respond to two colleagues and explain how their assessments support the NASW Code of Ethics (2021). Include two values and/or guiding principles to support your explanation. 
Colleague 1: Antoinette 
RE: Discussion 1 – Week 6
Hello All,
Post a summary of your assessment of Magda’s situation that addresses the seven domains. Fill in the gaps in content as necessary. Describe ways you would have included Magda in the original assessment and treatment plan. Include questions you would have asked Magda and her professional support system (doctors, nurses, etc.) to gain further insight into the situation.
Social workers advocate for the geriatric population by first assessing the needs and making sure they are getting the resources. Christ and Diwan ( 2008) stated the importance of completing assessments and reviewing the biopsychosocial framework for seven domains of assessment for clients. This framework can help social workers understand how to approach the geriatric population and chronic illness. Magda is an 81 years old woman who was assessed due to concerns from her daughter-in-law. According to Grace Christ & Sadhna Diwan (2008)  the assessment regarding Magda’s life including; 1) Physical well-being and health 2) Psychological well-being and health, 3) Cognitive capacity 4) Ability to perform various activities of daily living 5) Social functioning 6) Physical environment and 7) Assessment of family caregivers.. In the first domain, Magda is an overall healthy woman at her age. She is having trouble with her stability that increases her risk of falling and getting hurt. According to Paveza (2013), assessing the mental health of an elder individual is often the most important step during the assessment process because the social worker needs to be cautious that the information, they are receiving is accurate In the second domain you can see that her physical and mental health co-existed. In Magda’s case, as a result of her fall, Magda begins experiencing the early onset of dementia which has caused her to lose most self-sufficiency. Her cognitive capacity and ability to perform basic living functions were severely impacted by her dementia. For example, when she talked about paying her bills and cooking meals.  Also making sure she keeps track of her medication and taking it every day. 
During Magda’s assessment, I would include her family in the assessment. I would also want to complete a home visit. I would make sure there is a safety plan put in place. I would also inform her of assisted living facilities. I would let her know the importance of having a plan in place and how important it is to have her input in her plan. I would ask her questions such as “What does she feels she needs, what care and assistance you feel you need? I would also want to speak with her doctor and medical team to see how severe her dementia is and what steps she needs to take to slow down her dementia. I would like to know what services she will benefit from.
Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014a). Sessions: case histories. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].
Christ, G., & Diwan, S. (2008). Chronic illness and aging: The role of social work in managing chronic illness care. Council on social work education. Retrieved from: Competencies/Practice-Guides/Assignments-Measurments/CI-Sec2-Role-SW.pdf.aspx
Paveza, G.J. (2013), Assessment of the elderly. In M.J. Holosko, C.N. Dulmus, & K.M. Sowers (Eds), Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families: Evidence-informed assessments and interventions. (pp177- 195). Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.
Colleague 2: Melinda 
RE: Discussion 1 – Week 6
To re-cap the presenting issue in the case; Helen came to the social worker to seek “suggestions of a close friend who thought Helen would benefit from having a person who could listen” (Plummer, 2014). After a few sessions, the social worker finds out about Helen’s mother in-law and the dynamics of the family as a whole (Plummer, 2014). To better help Helen, we must focus on the dynamics of Magda’s illness and the impact it has on Helen and her family. Within the last six months Magda fell and broke her hip and was diagnosed with early signs of dementia (Plummer, 2014). This own would be hard on Magda and her family. However, Magda’s family sets up and set up a system to support her in many ways. The system is becoming hard on the family. Therefore, as a social worker we want to explore options to reduce the amount of stress on everyone.
However, since the social worker in this case only had Helen to rely on for information, she did not get a full assessment of Magda’s situations. Christ and Diwan stated “the specific role of social workers in health care is to address psychological, behavioral, and social factors by (1) assessing patient and family psychosocial health needs, (2) providing interventions required to address their psychosocial needs and promote their adaptation to illness and disability, and (3) developing and implementing effective models of health services delivery” (Christ, 2008). In the assessment the social worker did on Helen only focused on the mental and physical well being of Helen. Instead of Magda. The purpose of focusing on Magda’s well being for the time being would in the long run help Helen and her families anxiety around the issue of Magda. The social worker first looked at environmental assessment which is a comprehensive assessment and focuses on the physical-living environment (Paveza, 2013). The social worker did not however go to the place, but hear about how the living situation was not working out. Without knowing of Alec’s issue of sobriety, suggesting he go live with Magda to reduce the issues with both Magda and Helen seemed like the correct way.
Christ and Diwan talk about the seven major domains of assessment within the biopsychosocial framework (2008). “The conceptual framework that supports comprehensive geriatric assessment, evaluation, and management is a biopsychosocial approach to understanding chronic illness care” (Christ, 2008).  As the social worker before continuing with Helen’s presenting issues, working through Magda’s would be the correct course of action. “To develop a substantive understanding of an older adult’s needs and resources there are seven typical domains of assessment that are important for social workers.   1) Physical well?being and health 2) Psychological well?being and mental health 3) Cognitive capacity 4) Ability to perform basic ADLs and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) 5) Social Functioning 6) Physical environment 7) Assessment of family caregivers” (Christ, 2008). Along side of using this assessment, the social worker would need to talk to the professional support system for Magda to gain further insight on her situation. Some questions the social worker should find out are what is the prognosis; what kind of resources medically could Magda; at what point is it better for her to be in a memory unit or nursing home? These are just some of the questions we would want to ask.
Lastly the social worker needs to report the elder abuse. This is not an option, when you take the oath to be a social worker, we are stating we will lawful. In the United States we are obligated to do report any abuse, neglect, self harm, or harm of other. This also should have been told to Helen within the very first session. Even if Helen does not want her son to be in trouble and she did not want to report it. It is our duty by law to do so.
Christ, G., & Diwan, S. (2008). Chronic illness and aging: The role of social work in managing chronic illness care. Council on social work education. Retrieved from…
Paveza, G. J. (2013). Assessment of the elderly. In M. J. Holosko, C. N. Dulmus, & K. M. Sowers (Eds.), Social work practice with individuals and families: Evidence-informed assessments and interventions (pp. 177–195). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014a). Sessions: case histories. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing.

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