solved Discussion 5, Ch. 22 + 23, Due 11/9/21 Open Stax

Discussion 5, Ch. 22 + 23, Due 11/9/21
Open Stax U.S. History (Links to an external site.) this is the book 
Read the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution (Article VI, Section 2).  The executive branch of the federal government enforces federal immigration law, which is written by Congress, and signed by the president.  In California, some cities have created ‘sanctuary cities’, where they have openly stated that they will not cooperate with federal immigration authorities, as it causes distress and distrust in local communities.  In your opinion, are sanctuary cities operating in violation of federal law, or are they within their rights to not cooperate with immigration authorities?  
Create a Google Slideshow that is ten slides long with ten images and information about the pandemic known as the Spanish Flu.  Post the link in your discussion post, make sure the settings allow people to view the work.  
The United States today has the world’s largest economy and the world’s most powerful military.  A good part of this wealth and power originated during the late 19th and early 20th century when the U.S. acquired Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico as territories, and built up the standing military to unprecedented heights.  After reading the history in detail, do you believe that this expansion was generally positive for the U.S, or was it generally negative for the U.S.?
Finally, respond to at least two other students’ comments with a 3-5 sentence post.
this is the next discussion question it is based on dance…
this is the book for this discussion

Technique vs. Expression 
Describe your preference in relation to the talents of Marie Camargo and Marie Salle’. Please be sure to include WHAT the talents were for each of these dancers. If you were to go to a performance today which would you prefer? Lastly, how has dance developed since the time of Camargo and Salle’ and where do you see Ballet heading?

response 1 I think that sanctuary cities have all the rights to not cooperate with federal immigration authorities because they are only trying to protect the immigrants, if it wasn’t for the sanctuary cities then there would be an even larger number of separated families and kids without their parents. I could name a large number of reasons why immigrants may want to come to America but it’s so easy to say why! they are looking for a better life because America has endless amounts of opportunities for all people. Like the quote says No one is illegal on stolen land”. But this country does have laws that people must follow but I do agree with the sanctuary cities disobeying the immigration laws. (Links to an external site.) This expansion was very good for the U.S. because it made us the best and most powerful country in the world and it helped the economy, those islands became part of something better than they could ever accomplish on their own. When you have the most powerful military in the world you can take anything! 
Response 21. Sanctuary cities are operating in violation of federal law. In the United States, Federal Law trumps state and local laws. The supremacy clause of the constitution says that “Laws of the United States. . . Shall be the supreme law of the land; the judges of every state shall be bound thereby.” Since sanctuary cities are openly disobeying federal immigration laws, they are clearly breaking federal law. As stated by the constitution, states are not allowed to act outside of United States law. Whether sanctuary cities are ethically right or wrong is a different question, but they are legally wrong.2. (Links to an external site.)3. This expansion in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was beneficial and positive to the US. Although they were beneficial to the US, the expansions were not beneficial to the natives already living in these territories. The purchase of Alaska in 1867, although not immediate, led to an increase in natural resources like gold and oil. The annexation of Hawaii allowed US businesses to profit from the lucrative sugar industry. The expansion in the Pacific, such as the Midway, American Samoa, Guam, and wake islands helped lead to an increase in naval power. A strong navy decreases the chance of attacks on the US, and it ensures safety in trade overseas. In conclusion, the expansion of territory had an overall positive effect on the US, but not on the native people already living there.
Hello these are the dance responses last ones thanks for the 2nd discussion response 1 Marie Camargo and Marie Salle were two young dancers under the teachings of Francoise Prevost at the Royal Academy of Dance. The two had different styles and their talents divided the Paris dance public into two different camps. Camargo had great technique and a fine musical sense. She was the first dancer to execute the entrechat quatre. In addition, Camargo was known for her daring costumes. Camargo shortened the skirt worn in the eighteenth century, which allowed her range and virtuosity to be extended and showcase the women’s body more than what was seen before. Marie Salle was a natural born performer as she was raised in a family of entertainers. Her popularity grown and first seen when she was nine years old, performing in London with her brother. At age fourteen, she was chosen to replace her teacher, Prevost, at the opera house for only one night. Her constant presence at the opera house didn’t happen until she was 20. Her best known work is Pygmalion. Salle had raw talent that captured the audience. With her popularity in dance increased, she was well known to be in scandals and the topic of gossip around the opera house. Her problem when at the opera house included the consistency of performance, costumes, and music as stars would pick their favorite choice in music whether it matched with the style of the opera. She clashed with directors about costumes. Unlike Camargo who wanted a shorter skirt to showcase her movements and skills, Salle wanted her choice in costume to express feelings and have a purpose that can help make the story that’s trying to be portrayed cohesive. If I were to go to performance today, I would want to see Marie Camargo. I am interested in seeing her technique and musicality. Another reason I want to Camargo is because she changed her costume to have a shorter skirt to see the difference in how it changed her movements and technique. Over time, ballet has been female dominated. Before these women had trouble making their way into ballet, now there has been more women in ballet. 
response 2 Marie Camargo and Marie Salle were two great female dancers of the royal dance academy. They were taught by Francoise Prevost.  Who was also a great teacher and dancer.  Camargo and  Salle eventually divided the Paris dance public into opposing camps. Marie Camargo was outstanding in speed and drive with a brilliant technician.  She was the first dancer to execute the entire quartet. She was famous for shortening the voluminous eighteenth-century skirt. She also had a fine musical sense. Marie Sallé was an innovative French dancer and choreographer who performed expressive, dramatic dances during a period when displays of technical virtuosity were more popular. The first woman to choreograph the ballets in which she appeared. Salle changed the artful dance clothing from the substantial long dress to the light muslin streaming dress. She got the help of extraordinary writers like George Frederic and Christoph Von Gluck. With the underwriting of extraordinary writers, Salle acquired exposure with her Greek-propelled ensemble. She was the principal ballet performer to change the clothing and dance steps of expressive dance. She is associated with moving at regal courts and dignitaries in Paris and London she likewise coordinated her ensembles, music, and dance styles with different subjects.If I were to go see a performance I would prefer Marie salle. I’m interested in seeing Marie Salle because is free-spirited and she freely expresses her feelings in the dances she performs. She changed the traditional costume to a flowing dress. In the flowing dress and simplistic hair without ornaments,  which is very much interesting to me.  Ballet dance today takes many structures. Traditional and heartfelt ballet productions are as yet performed to crowds all throughout the planet. Not only that but ballet now is influenced by females.

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