solved Discussion 6 (Week 7)44 unread replies.44 replies.Instructions:Indicate in the subject

Discussion 6 (Week 7)44 unread replies.44 replies.Instructions:Indicate in the subject of your post which option (Option A or Option B) to which you are responding. Responding to one of the options is required for discussion credit. Only respond to one of the options. You are then welcome and encouraged respond to others’ posts for the same or other option. Please use the numbering scheme provided in your responses to clearly indicate to which question you are responding.Answer each question and question component thoroughly, demonstrating critical thinking, using complete sentences, and proper grammar to receive full credit. You may use no more than one direct quote. Refer to the syllabus for further detail.All information needed to respond comes from your text book readings and, in some circumstances, information provided in the Discussion assignment. Unless otherwise noted, do not consult outside resources to shape your answers. Answer questions using only the material you read in the chapter and your personal knowledge/experience/opinions. I want to know your thoughts and ideas. Evidence of the use of outside sources in your original post will result in a zero on the assignment. If, after posting your discussion, you would like to investigate a topic further using an outside source and share that information (with appropriate citations and references provided using APA formatting) as a reply post, that is also welcome and encouraged.An explanation of how discussions are graded is provided at the bottom of this page.Option A:Reflect on the reading about power. Researchers argue that one of the reasons some people have power over others is that individuals are so quick to conform. Several classic studies, including the Asch Studies, help to illustrate this idea. Watch the following video about the Asch Studies, and think about the “real-life” implications. Then watch the next video which is a more modern conformity experiment, and think about the “real-life” implications of this experiment.Asch Studies:Link (Links to an external site.)Conformity experiment:Link (Links to an external site.)After watching the videos, answer the below questions:From your perspective, taken together, what are some “real-life” implications of these studies? Explain and discuss. [up to 25 points possible]In your opinion, how might conformity play a role in the workplace? Explain and discuss. [up to 25 points possible]In your opinion, how can an awareness of this information help you in the workplace? Explain and discuss. [up to 25 points possible]One could argue that these are just silly experiments taking place in a somewhat controlled setting but that such conformity would not take place in the real world. In your opinion, do you agree or disagree? Why? Explain and discuss. [up to 25 points possible]Option B: After reading Chapter 15, read the Point/Counterpoint “The End of Management” on p. 517 of your text book, and answer the following questions:From your perspective, with what particular points do you agree? Explain and discuss. [up to 25 points possible]From your perspective, with what particular points do you disagree? Explain and discuss. [up to 25 points possible]In your opinion, do you think the trend toward flatter, more organic organizations will continue? Explain and discuss. [up to 25 points possible]In your opinion, how do you think the field of management will evolve over the next 10 years? Explain and discuss. [up to 25 points possible]Grade DeterminationStarting score: The starting point value associated with each question component is provided in brackets after the question component. Grading anchors for each question component are as follows:full credit (100%): Very thorough, in-depth discussion reflecting strong critical thinking (requires at least several sentences); answers the question askedpartial credit (90%): Thorough, in-depth discussion reflecting strong critical thinking (requires at least several sentences); answers the question askedpartial credit (80%): Somewhat thorough, in-depth discussion reflecting moderate critical thinking (requires at least several sentences); answers the question askedpartial credit (70%): Minimally thorough discussion; answers question but reflects little critical thinking; answers the question askedpartial credit (60%): Surface-level discussion; no depth to response/discussion reflecting very little critical thinking; answers the question askedno credit (0%): Does not answer the question askedDeductions from starting score:Evidence of plagiarism: automatic zeroUse of outside sources: automatic zeroNot writing in complete sentences: 10-point deduction per occurrenceGrammatical/typographical errors:0-2: no deduction3-5: 10-point deductionmore than 6: 30-point deduction

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