solved Discussion Questions Requirements: Main discussion post should be at least

Discussion Questions Requirements: Main discussion post should be at least 2-3 paragraphs. Two peer responses should be at least 50 words minimum.NUR425 Discussion post:Please choose ONE of the questions below and write a post that thoroughly addresses the question in 2-3 paragraphs, using at least one scholarly reference. Questions:One possible estimate is that the world’s population will be over 10 billion people by the year 2100. How might the lives of children born today be different if this is true? What advancements do you think would have to be made in education, medicine, public health and/or the food and water supply in order to support a global community of this size? (Please do not respond saying we will just need more. Think about how this can be accomplished).Communicable diseases are very accomplished at crossing the borders of countries. Discuss the challenges of global communicable disease control and summarize a recent outbreak of disease that occurred in at least two countries. What do you believe were risk factors for this outbreak? What could have been done differently to prevent the outbreak?Health disparities can be seen when comparing the health outcomes of different countries. Give an example of two countries- where one country has a health disparity in comparison to the other. Identify the disparity and summarize it’s impact AND an existing or potential global health program that might be successful in eliminating the health disparity.Your post should be 2-3 paragraphs long. In addition, respond to two classmates. Please add to the discussion with informative responses, instead of posts similar to “great idea! I really agree with you.” You are free to respond to students that addressed the same prompt that you did, or a different prompt. Cite all references appropriately using APA 7th edition format.NUR425 Student Posts:Student#1: Ebola virus disease, formerly known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever, is a severe, often fatal illness affecting humans and other primates. The virus is transmitted to people from wild animals (such as fruit bats, porcupines and non-human primates) and then spreads in the human population through direct contact with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected people, and with surfaces and materials (e.g. bedding, clothing) contaminated with these fluids. The average Ebola case fatality rate is around 50%. Case fatality rates have varied from 25% to 90% in past outbreaks (“Ebola”, 2021).The challenges of global communicable disease control coincide with socioeconomic, environmental and behavioral factors as well as population movements. The situation worsens due to poverty, lack of health access, resources and inequalities. Democratic Republic of Congo declared an outbreak in North part of the country with more than 3,000 cases were recorded with a total of 2,200 fatalities (“DCR’s”, 2021). Health authorities in Guinea declared an outbreak of Ebola in the rural community of Gouéké in N’Zerekore after an increase number of Ebola cases were confirmed by the national laboratory, marking the first time the disease has been reported in the country since an outbreak ended in 2016. Guinea was one of the three most affected countries since the virus was first discovered, for it to make a comeback is a huge concern (“New Ebola”, 2021).Health inequalities such as geographic location and lack of sanitation are risk factors for new diagnoses. These countries are poorly prepared for this unexpected communicable disease, from early detection to organizing the appropriate response, even with past interventions. Prior to the earlier outbreaks, most clinicians have never managed these new cases and the lack of healthcare workers, supplies, and improper medical facilities in rural areas make health interventions rigid. Basic health infrastructure along with emergency response and their preparedness is one way most countries could have prevented the Ebola outbreak. The MSF response team has provided medical supplies, vaccines, training staff and isolating suspected or confirmed new cases (“DCR’s”, 2021).Student #2: Based on world demographic information, the global population has been growing consistently at a very rapid rate. According to the most recent statistics, the population is estimated to be growing at an average rate of 1.05 percent, a value that will see the population hitting the 10 billion figure and above by 2100 (Lutz et al., 2017). If this occurs, numerous changes are likely to occur across the various sectors. Such changes will impact on the lives of the children born today in various ways. For instance, the children born today might face serious health-associated problems if the population truly goes beyond 10 billion because providing adequate care to a vast population is a big challenge (Lutz et al., 2017).It is very common for communicable diseases to spread if the population is too large, and the issue of communicable disease outbreaks might become a future challenge in the lives of the children born today (Lutz et al., 2017). Additionally, the large population might increase pressure on food resources, thereby resulting in increased cases of malnutrition and other health issues associated with dietary needs. Compared to present days in which the population is manageable, living in a population of over 10 billion might make the lives of children born today filled with health-related issues alongside social and economic problems (Lutz et al., 2017).Several advancements would have to be made in education, medicine, public health, and food and water supply to sustain the lives of the huge population. It would be vital to transforming the education system by embracing technology at all levels to reach every corner of the world, including the remote areas (SantosAggarwal et al., 2018). Also, it would be crucial to advance medicine and public health sectors by embracing technology in healthcare, establishing specialized departments for medical and public health researches, and embracing evidence-based decision practices when making decisions (SantosAggarwal et al., 2018). There will be increased demand for food and water; therefore, it would be crucial to increase the food supply by practicing modern cropping methods to improve crop yield within a minimum space possible. For instance, introducing GMO techniques in the food supply would help in increasing food supply (SantosAggarwal et al., 2018). Besides, it would be crucial to set up more water desalination and recycling plants to reduce the pressure on freshwater supply. These strategies would increase the food and water supply to sustain the large population.NUR415 Discussion Post:Step 1: Read the vignette below.Vignette: You are completing a clinical rotation in a small community agency that provides services to pregnant women or women with children under the age of 3. This agency is located in an urban area of the southern United States. The racial composition of the community is 78.1% white, 9.6% African American, 8.0% Hispanic, 0.3% American Indian/Alaska Native, 2.0% Asian, and 2.0% other. In 2009, 110,800 women of child-bearing age resided in the county with 5,300 total births.Recently you and your fellow students learned that current statistics for the county reveal that from 2006 to 2008, the infant mortality (number of deaths per 1000 live births) rate was 8.2%; an increase from 6.5% in 2005-2007. For African Americans, the rates were 10.0% in 2005 to 2007 and increased to 14.4% in 2006 to 2008. The local Healthy Start agency confirms that these data are accurate for the community. In fact, based on a review of deaths by the coroner, in the last year, the major causes of neonatal and infant demise were low birth weight, babies sleeping in bed with an adult (roll over/unintentional deaths), and SIDS.Step 2: Post a response to the following questions in the discussion board.Discuss which actions should be taken first.Identify the community partners that will help with your campaign.Using research, what action should you take to move the action forward in the community?Step 3: Read other students’ posts and respond to two of them.Cite any sources in 7th ed. APA format.NUR425 Student Posts:Student#1: The action I feel that needs to be taken first is low birth weight. Low birth weight and preterm birth are associated with adverse consequences, including increased infant mortality and chronic health conditions. Black infants are more likely than white infants to be born prematurely, associated with disparities in infant mortality and other chronic conditions (Brown et al., 2019). Low birth weight and premature births are highly related to complex medical comorbidities throughout childhood and into adulthood. The implications of the improvements associated with Medicaid expansion could potentially be associated with reduced disparities in chronic conditions across the life course (Brown et al., 2019).Community partners that will help with my campaign are Community Action of Fayette County, L.I.F.E. Pregnancy Center, Job and Family Services, and then at the Fayette County Health Department, which has a couple of programs like Help Me Grow, and WIC (Women, Infants & Children).Actions I would take to move forward in my community with education on low birth weight would make flyers about pregnancy and the importance of getting proper nutrition, prenatal care, risk factors of low birth weight in infants. I would also put on there the list of places to seek additional help. I would disperse them at several locations throughout the community like the public libraries, grocery stores, YMCA, and laundry mat where it can be easily available for anyone to grab. I would go around to the local High Schools and talk to the teenage girls. I would let them know where they can go to get help if they were to become pregnant and the importance of getting prenatal care. I would also set up a health fair with booths from various organizations within the community that can give additional information about pregnancy and the effects of low birth weight in infants. They would have reading material as well that they can take home and read at a later time. I would also offer health fairs several times a year to constantly educate our community. Student #2: I believe that the first actions needed are to assess the circumstances of the low birth weight and to provide the correct education to new and expecting mothers and families. A large portion of health related incidents occur due to lack of health education. It is very important that the public is well educated in caring for infants and for themselves with pre-natal care. They should also be provided information on infant mortality and SIDS in order to bring awareness and provide prevention methods. Some community partners to help with this campaign could include Planned Parenthood, the county health department, and other community health centers. The main way to begin moving the action forward within the community is to research on prevention of mortality and improving birth outcomes. According to the CDC’s Division of Reproductive Health, improved birth outcomes and lower rates if infant mortality are done with improvements to perinatal care, improvement in the knowledge of SIDS and SUID, and conducting research to support the health of mothers and infants (CDC, Sept. 2020)

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