solved Discussion RequirementsA substantive comment should be approximately 300 words or

Discussion RequirementsA substantive comment should be approximately 300 words or more for each of the responses (2 responses TOTAL).Read the initial comments posted by your classmates and reflect upon them.Before writing your comments:Review the Discussion grading rubric to see what is expected for an excellent discussion, in order to earn full credit.Review some resources to help you synthesize, such as the following:Sullivan, J. (2011). Strategies for Synthesis Writing. Retrieved from You are required to cite sources and include a reference list for the second post if it is simply your opinion. However, if your opinion is based on facts (as it should be), it is good practice to strengthen your position by citing sources.Be sure to meet all of the criteria in the rubric, as noted in the instructions above.Third post for each module discussion:Read the initial and secondary comments posted by your classmates and reflect upon them.Directly respond to at least one classmate in a way that extends meaningful discussions, adds new information, and/or offers alternative perspectives.MY DISCUSSION (DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS POST PLEASE)(DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS POST PLEASE)(DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS POST PLEASE)(DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS POST PLEASE)Classmates and Professor,My biggest fear in cyberspace is the hacking of personal financial details by criminals. I imagine cyber criminals hacking into financial institutions and gaining access to the data on personal financial status and gaining access to that person’s finances. Banks and financial institutions should have strict ways of safeguarding the customer’s details and maintaining strong passwords that cannot be broken into. They should come up with ways of protecting personal data and make sure the data is not breached and that it is kept safe (Hartwig & Wilkinson, 2014). They should also introduce antivirus to their computers so that they are not easily broken into.The governments should think about cybercrime and try to come up with policies that can guard against cyber-crime. They should also consider coming up with a force that will prevent this serious crime and even establish a law-enforcing department where cyber-crime can be dealt with. Cybercrime is becoming the greatest threat to national security, and this should be addressed by all governments. There should be a global concern about cybercrime, and it is high time professionals are sought to deal with these cybercrimes (Causey, 2013). It should be a concern of all parliaments to come up with laws that deal with cybercrime and establish a force to deal with these crimes.I would rate cybercrime in the United States as the greatest threat to national security. Placing it at number one is because the threats are increasing daily in number and magnitude, and they have become a threat to national security and economic growth. Cyber-criminals are going to the extent of hacking the federal government’s information, leading to a severe breakdown of the national security system (Boot, Max, 2015). The United States has many threats to its security, such as terrorist attacks and nuclear weapons like those mounted by Russia, but cyber threats remain a threat to national security. Governments should train professionals who can fight this cybercrime and develop policies that deter this crime from happening. Individuals and companies should also look for ways of ensuring their computers are safe such as coming up with strong passwords for their computers.PedroReferencesBoot, M. (2015, July 12). What Is the Greatest Threat to U.S. National Security? Retrieved from Commentary:…Causey, B. (2013 , January). How to Conduct an Effective IT Security Risk Assessment. Retrieved from Informative Week Reports:…Hartwig, R. P., & Wilkinson, C. (2014, June). Cyber Risks: The Growing Threat. Retrieved from Insurance Information Institute:…RESPONSE 1Professor and Classmates, Before I answer what my biggest fear in cyber space is, I want to take a minute to express my thoughts on the article, What Americans should fear in cyberspace (Singer, 2014). Honestly, this article was a breath of fresh air to me in terms of dispelling myths and misinformation pertaining to cyberattacks. Throughout this course, I have read several articles that speak of a “line in the sand” as it relates to certain cyberattacks being considered an act of war. As a member of the Armed Services, it concerns me when military options or responses are considered for actions that occurred over the web, which did not result in the deaths of Americans. Should non-kinetic military responses, including like-in-kind cyberattacks, be considered? Then my answer is yes. After reading both articles, I am inclined to agree with General Dunford that Russia poses the greatest threat to the United States (Boot, 2015). I would even go further to say that any of our adversaries and even those less-stable countries that possess nuclear weapons pose a huge threat to global peace and stability. Yes, cyber-attacks pose their own risks, especially when you consider how much of our infrastructure is both heavily tied into cyber and how vulnerable some of it is. This pales in comparison to full-out global nuclear warfare, where victims would be well into the millions. ANDREWReferencesBoot, M. (2015, July 12). What Is the Greatest Threat to U.S. National Security? Retrieved from Commentary Magazine:…Singer, P. (2014, Jan 22). What Americans should fear in cyberspace. Retrieved from Los Angeles Times:…____________________________________________________________________________________________________RESPONSE 2Good morning class!What is your biggest fear in cyber space?My biggest fear, at this time, is the amount of misinformation that is intentionally spread through social media platforms. Russia has been found to have spread fake tweets and misinformation as well as political propaganda to interfere with U.S. elections. Allyn (2020) states, “For the past six years, an obscure disinformation campaign by Russian operatives has flooded the Internet with false stories in seven languages and across 300 social media platforms virtually undetected (par 1).” Due to the amount of influence social media has and the fact that most people get their news from social media related articles, this is a huge threat that is hard to control. Where do you think cyber threats rate compared to all threats to U.S. national security? Justify your answer.In current times, I believe cyber threats rate very high. This day and age, it is cheaper and less risk for a country to attack us through cyber space rather than sending troops and risking capture as well as the cost and media attention. Being that the majority of people read their news on their mobile device, and sometimes through social media, any false information that can affect how people think of their country or how they vote in elections is a huge internal threat. “As we look ahead to the election, our report shows there’s all sorts of malicious activity we need to look out for, including burner accounts and forged documents that tries to interfere with peoples’ thinking (Allyn, 2020, Par 18). Physical attacks happen and we move to recovery and rebuilding, which often helps unite a nation. Cyber attacks that can affect how we think of our country and cause us to vote differently pose a long-term threat that will eat at us from within. ChrisReference:Allyn, B. (June 16, 2020). Study Exposes Russia Disinformation Campaign that Operated in the Shadows for 6 years. Retrieved from 4 – BackgroundCYBER RISK ASSESSMENT AND CYBER INSURANCERequired ReadingBoot, Max (2015, July 12). What is the greatest threat to U.S. national security? Commentary. Retrieved from…Causey, B. (2013, January), How to conduct an effective IT security risk assessment. Retrieved from…Hartwig, R. P. (2014). Cyber risks: The growing threat. Insurance Information Institute. Retrieved from…Howard, T., & Cruz, J. (2017). A cyber vulnerability assessment of the U.S. Navy in the 21st Century. Retrieved from…Romanosky, S., Ablon, L., & Kuehn, A. (2017). A content analysis of cyber insurance policies. RAND. Retrieved from…Required WebsitesFederal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (n.d.). Risk Assessment. Retrieved from Assessment. IT Information Technology. Retrieved from

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