solved DiscussionBuilding self-awareness of our verbal and non-verbal communication allows us

DiscussionBuilding self-awareness of our verbal and non-verbal communication allows us to grow in our communication skills. What resources do you use to improve your awareness of your communication skills in the professional setting?Interprofessional collaboration to improve patient outcomes depends on our professional communication skills. What are the most effective communication skills that nurses bring to collaborative interactions? Why are those so important in your own practice?READING MATERIALSMasters, K. (2020). Role development in professional nursing practice (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett.Chapter 10: Patient Education and Patient-Centered Care in Professional Nursing Practice pp. 268-274Chapter 13: Teamwork, Collaboration, and Communication in Professional Nursing Practice pp. 355-366AACN Essentials of Baccalaureate Education: pp. 22-26. (Go to the Webliography to find a link to this file.)Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies©: pp. 10-13, 32-41. (Go to the Webliography to find a link to this file.)NOTE: All items on this page are considered Assigned Readings for the week and may not be used for Scholarly Outside Sources in Discussions. For scholarly outside sources, please explore the Chamberlain Library or Webliography.

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