solved DSC1552 Critical infrastructure protection 1 – Identify five assets in
DSC1552 Critical infrastructure protection 1 – Identify five assets in your community that can be classified as “critical infrastructure.†Explain how the destruction of each asset might affect the community? (Limit to 200 words)2 – Provide one example of how an emergency response organization can assist in the protection of a critical infrastructure asset(Limit to 150 words)3 – Refer to the IAFC Report “Performance of the Fire Service during the 2003 Northeast Blackout and the Implications for Critical Infrastructure Protection” to answer the following question. How did the local fire fighters serve to protect the critical infrastructure during the blackout?**Read the following article describing law enforcement’s role in protecting a nuclear power plant. After reading the article, submit your answers to the instructor through the drop box . Article_Police_Nuclear_Plant.pdfLaw Enforcement ArticleQuestions1.What prompted the use of police officers to secure the nuclear power plant?2.What kind of information should the police officer receive before being assigned to security of the nuclear plant?3.What possible problems could arise between the Seabrook Nuclear Plant’s private security and the Seabrook Police Department?Read the following article describing fire service’s role in responding to the NE Blackout. After reading the article, submit your answers to the instructor through the drop box. NE_blackout_report.pdfQuestions1.Why did the respondents criticize private industry after the blackout?2.How did the Cleveland Fire Department respond when the Cleveland Water System’s pumping stations lost power?Fire_Road_AAR.pdf Tanker Fire AARDiscussion Questions1.Why was this tanker fire significant?2.What issue with the towing company caused a delay in the removal of the tanker?3.What problems did the After Action Report Identify in regards to Transportation?4.How were passengers aboard the Metro notified of the incident?5.What was the result of the Communications group delayed arrival?6.Of the Areas to Improve On, section of the report, which area do you think is most important for the emergency responders to correct?