solved (Due May 27th)Chapter 2 literature of dissertationTopic-Political Employee EngagementPart 1Go

(Due May 27th)Chapter 2 literature of dissertationTopic-Political Employee EngagementPart 1Go to the CTU Library and then the ProQuest Dissertation and Theses database. Locate 2–3 dissertations that resonate with your topic and that you feel have excellent literature reviews. The dissertations should have been published within the last 3 years, and they should be from CTU or other practitioner doctoral programs that educate scholar-practitioners. For each dissertation, provide a citation and 100–200 words that discuss what makes the literature review superlative. Also, ask yourself what the three excellent literature reviews have in common.Part 2Submit a draft of your own literature review (Chapter 2 of a dissertation) that meets the following requirements:• Exclude your introduction to the chapter• Exclude your introductions for each section• Exclude your summary of the chapterBe sure to include the following:• Ensure that there are headings for each section.• Your submission should be a minimum of 28-30 pages, not including references (leaving room for introductions to be added later).• Make sure you have clearly discussed the gap in the body of knowledge.• You should have 80 or more references cited within the narrative.Your OV score should not be above 80%.

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