solved Each student will select a country from Latin America, Europe

Each student will select a country from Latin America, Europe (EU member), Asia, Middle East or Africa that is approved by the instructor. ***THE NETHERLANDS IS MY CHOSEN COUNTRY*** Then develop an export plan to that country. To achieve a successful export strategy, there must be a complete understanding (knowledge) of that country (foreign market). Therefore, the plan centers on this knowledge and in the United States (home market). ***SELLING BIKE SADDLES***The research for this project will require a variety of sources, e.g., course assignments, the library, Internet, and field research. Sources should include business sources, trade associations, Chamber of Commerce, Florida and U.S. Departments of Commerce, on the Internet and in the Library. Other secondary sources may be used.As in the “real world” certain data and information may not be available; in these situations marketers must make some (well-grounded, supported, stated) assumptions. Another critical component to this project being successful is that this is not just a report but rather an analysis too. You are expected to include your “take” (understanding and analyses) of the various areas (or project sections) being presented with an analysis at the end of each major section.This project will also require field research, e.g., visit the organization, interviewing potential consumers, product experts in the organization’s area of business, media, etc. Research can be (and in many situations actually relies on) observations (non-interventions). Be prepared to observe, e.g., what to look for, where, when, how.In our new COVID norm, you will not be asked to visit or interview in person unless you feel safe and comfortable doing so. You may use Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, and written communication. No matter the method, you must provide proof of these visits, e.g., literature, photographs, recordings of the sessions. Also, research can be (and in many situations actually relies on) observations (non-interventions). This proof will be included in the Appendix of the written presentation, and does not count toward the 25 page length requirement.Your visits (field research) virtual or in person will include Two P’s – prepared and professionalism. You should be well prepared by knowing the topics to be discussed and questions to ask. Professionalism includes being on time, only taking necessary time for the visit, proper attire, respect and courtesy for the marketer and the consumers, and an interest in the business. Remember the marketer, the organization, consumers, and media are accommodating your request and for your (learning) benefit. You are not only representing yourself, but also the College of Business and Management and Lynn University. Being prepared and professional will be a part of your grade for the project and course.

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