solved Essay Question: Â In his discussion of the principles of

Essay Question:  In his discussion of the principles of storytelling essential to most Hollywood films Bordwell outlines the “norms” that inspire the narrative in CHC action films.
He lists goal orientation, double plotline, discrete part structure, dangling causes, and deadlines, five principles that guarantee that the plot of a film may reach a “satisfying unity”. 
In class we have seen a Western directed by Sergio Leone, who is best known for having popularized “spaghetti Westerns”, a cycle of films authored by Italian directors with stories set around the American frontier.When the film was first released in the US it encountered fierce criticism. Critics felt that it violated the “tone” of the American Western genre, while incorporating European cultural references and conventions of other action film cycles. 
Consider two or more of the principles outlined by Bordwell, as well as the discussion of narrative form in Ch.3 of Film Art. Can you identify ways in which The Good, the Bad and The Ugly conforms and/or departs from the action film norms? Does it follow a three (or four) part structure? What events create urgency? Are there pauses in the action?
You may approach the analysis of the film as follows:

Consider the narrative “rhythm” (Which events are part of the story but are not presented in the plot? Are goals clearly identified? How does the ending resolve or leave open the central conflicts?  
You could choose to elaborate on the dynamics created by the play between restricted and unrestricted narration (whose point-of-view do we share? How much do we know? Are there double plotlines?)  
Are characters clearly defined? How do traits motivate action?
What deadlines are instrumental in pushing the narrative forward? What “needs” create a sense of urgency? 
Are expectations upturned? 
In your discussion, you should point to some of the most relevant narrative/formal motifs and discuss their significance.  

Do not recount the plot. Assume the reader is familiar with the films. 
Do use the names of the characters, not the names of the actors (in The Matrix, Neo can move at bullet speed, not Keanu Reeves). If you don’t remember names, check 
Do italicize film titles. 
Do write in the present tense about the action. SherlockJr dreams of being a detective, in the eternally present tense of the film.
Do organize your argument around a thesis statement, then support it with a few, well-chosen examples. 
Cite your sources…even if you use a reference from the book. 
Grammar, syntax, spelling, and punctuation do matter… Eschew violence: “Let’s eat, grandma!” prompts a different action from “Let’s eat grandma!”
Other tips:
Do think of an interesting title for your paper!
Do, always, mind your spelling, do not rely only on your computer. Your spellchecker does not have a problem with a “stagecoach crossing the dessert”. We do.
Bordwel (READ this for the principals of story telling) l:

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