solved Evaluate the following: What is the key criteria for evaluating
Evaluate the following: What is the key criteria for evaluating an RTC?Are the results of the trial valid? Were the subjects randomized?What
about the experimental and control group? How were they allocated?
Did they look like each other? What about the variables? Did the group
look the same?What
were the results of the trial? How were the results of the trial being
measured? What statistical measures were used? Was the results
significant? Was the hypothesis accepted or rejected by the authors?Are the results applicable to clinical practice? Are the results feasible? 300 words , apa formatReference: Stiles-Shields,
C., Goldschmidt, A. B., Lock, J., & Le Grange, D. (2013). Are
Adolescent Treatment Studies of Eating Disorders Utilizing Clinically
Relevant Samples? A Comparison of RCT and Clinic Treatment-Seeking Youth
with Eating Disorders. European Eating Disorders Review, 21(5), 420–424.
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