solved Explain how your      chosen model

Explain how your      chosen model is a best practice and fit for your chosen population.
Choose two      coaching techniques within the coaching model and practice the techniques      on another person.
Analyze the      strengths and challenges of the coaching techniques.
Discuss what you      need to learn more about for your coaching career.

Use two to four scholarly resources to support your explanations. Please use your textbooks as reference as well with in-text citations.
Berg, I. K., & Szabo, P. (2005). Brief coaching for lasting solutions. New York, NY: W.W. Norton.
Szabo, P., Meier, D., & Dierolf, K. (2009). Coaching plain & simple: Solution-focused brief coaching essentials. New York, NY: W.W. Norton.

Will this information help. this was the first part of the assignment I did.
The coaching model of my interest is the ENABLE model. I chose this model, because sometimes we can enable people without realizing it. We never want to enable our clients from moving forward in their life. The ENABLE model is a solution- focused coaching strategy. Research has proven that solution-focused perspective to coaching is relevant in the clinical and coaching environment. This model depicts goals coachee at the end of the client/coaching relationship will experience that the change is conceivable and pragmatic, which creates a life-changing encounter for the client to achieve (Adam, 2016). The strength of the model is useful in helping the coachee discover a resolution and creating a road map for a positive outcome. And, challenges associated with that coaching model; however, it is significant to perceive that the model does not seize every solution-focused. The components of the solution-focused coaching are presented using the acronym ENABLE:
E – Elicit preferred future consist of the coachee’s insight and comprehension of their optimal circumstance or life, and what they expect. The coachee will be able to ask questions to get a general idea of where to start in directing the client in achieving their goals
N – Notice exceptions is where self-awareness comes into play. When issues arise and the coach see the preferred future has begun and help the coachee to build motivation.
A – Activate strengths and resources the coachee see’s their true potential, which give them the motivation to continue striving. To look for new opportunities to utilize with the existing strengths and resources.
B – Build on what’s working the coach helps the coachee with creating a road map that aligns with their goals and
L – Look for opportunities deals with the possibilities and turning those possibilities into reality in implementing positive change.
E – Efficacy-supportive feedback is being aware of the strengths, while affirming appropriate behavior and building the coachee’s confidence in their ability to be effective in exceling with positive changes and reaffirming the positive outcome.
Adams, M. (2016). ENABLE: A solution-focused coaching model for individual and team coaching. The Coaching Psychologist, 12(1), 17–26.… 

this is some more information. The population I worked with parents, whose children are diagnosed with the autism spectrum disorder. My interest was helping families learn ways of understanding their children needs, which I can relate to because I worked in this field for 30 years. Some of the parents feel guilty and are finding it difficult providing and understanding their child’s needs. This is where I come in, helping parents learn techniques I utilized on a daily basis at school, that can also be utilized in the home setting as well. When it comes to autistic children, they like things moving repetitiously and not just pushed upon them.
The goal I have with this population is to help parents invest their time attending some of the autism training, which is important, so they gain self-awareness. These trainings will help parents adapt to a better way of helping their children with the autism spectrum disorder. The ENABLE model is a good fit because it will help parents who are stuck. To not ENABLE their children from learning, but help them obtain the strength need to recognize and accept the things they cannot change about their children. In addition, build on what already is existing with the child, and to incorporate the opportunities and resources that align with their child’s needs with the help of the coach. 

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