solved Fake news is produced by web sites and news sources

Fake news is produced by web sites and news sources for the purpose of attracting viewers to ads. Fake news are sensational false (fiction) news-like stories created purely to attract readers.Fake news should also be distinguished from false news, also called dishonest news or lies that are told for political purposes. Many of the anti-Hillary stories were created by fake news sites, but then posted as lies on sites like Fox and Breitbart. Many say that fake news help to elect Trump in the 2016 election.Please watch the videos below and read the attached articles, take the Election Fake News Quiz (link below)then answer the following questions:What criteria do you use to verify information you find online is true and accurate?What is fact checking?How many people question the credibility of the news they read online?What are some advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet when conducting research and formulating opinion?What is the function that provides? Take the link below:…

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