solved First:Â You will select one question that you want to

You will select one question that you want to engage with and provide a response. Your response should be no less than 200 words.  Please include parenthetical citations in your responses to show what ideas are coming from the lecture versus an assigned source.
Note: You will not be able to see your classmates’ posts until after you have posted.  Thus, you will need to do the first part to move onto get any credit.
You must choose two different colleagues who have written on two questions that you did not answer.  You will need to substantively respond to two classmates (meaning actual engagement with the topic addressed). You do not have to agree with your classmates. Civil and respectful debate is encouraged. Reply posts should be approximately 50 words for each.
In total, there are three parts. Each of the questions for our discussion boards are geared toward helping you prep for your course exams. It can be helpful to use our discussion board questions as a study guide for the midterm. 
Week 2 Discussion Prompts (Please Respond to 1 Question): 

What was the New Negro movement? What was the Metropolis? How did the ideas of Marcus Garvey (week 2 reading) inform the Harlem Renaissance and Metropolis’s ideas of racial solidarity and racial uplift? Cite two examples from the assigned readings to support your analysis.
Compare and contrast Marcus Garvey and Ho Chi Minh’s reflections on self-determination. How do their perspectives demonstrate some of the contradictions in Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Point Platform? Cite two examples from the assigned readings to support your analysis.
Discuss the evolution of women’s organizing between the nineteenth and twentieth century. According to Nell Irvin Painter, what were some of the ideological trends that developed during this period? How did Jane Adams and Ida B. Wells (Week 2 Readings) fit into these trends? Cite two examples from the assigned readings to support your analysis.

The Progressive Era
1.) Nell Irvin Painter, Standing at Armageddon (excerpts)
2.) Ida B. Wells, “Lynching and the Excuse for It”:…
3.) Jane Adams, “Why Women Should Vote”:…
Thursday (October 7th): Strivings for Self-Determination
1.) Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points
2.) A brief discussion of Woodrow Wilson’s views on Race from the Woodrow Wilson House Museum website:…n-and-race/
3.) Marcus Garvey, Selected Writings and Speeches of Marcus Garvey (excerpts)
(Listen to the audio from a portion of one of the speeches here): 
Videos to watch:
1.) Objectives of the UNIA: 
2.) “Ho Chi Minh” excerpt from The Vietnam War: A Film by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick: (5mins)

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