solved For each discussion post I need the answer to the

For each discussion post I need the answer to the question asked at least 300 words or more, with 2 replies to other students of at least 4 sentences each.The death penalty is a contentious issue in both sociology and in U.S. society generally. The website of the Death Penalty Information Center (Links to an external site.) [] is a useful source of information on this subject. Click on the link, the website will open in a new window.Once you are in the website place the cursor over the “Facts and Research” marker (this is the drop down menu), then click on FactSheet from the drop-down menu to locate the following information – you can extrapolate your findings from the factsheet: 1. How many people have been executed so far this year? 2. What percentage of current death row inmates are black? 3. What is the current population of death row inmates in California? 4. How much more does it cost to execute a prisoner rather than incarcerate him/her for life? 5. How much money would California save if the Governor commuted the sentences of those remaining on death row? 6. Do a majority of law enforcement officers think the death penalty is an effective law enforcement tool?Review your findings and then discuss the following:For your discussion post 1 Crime and Deviance : Discuss what surprised you the most about the death penalty and something new that you learned. How much has the media affected your perception of the death penalty, and how accurate was/is your perception now that you’ve gone over the facts and figures. Do NOT include the answers to the questions… and remember – Your word count does not include the answers to the exercise questions, only your response to them – as the instructions state.Discussion post 2 : Stratification Same thing your answer of at least 300 words then 2 replies to your peers.For this week’s discussion:Sociologists distinguish between three types of equality: equality of opportunity, equality of condition, and equality of outcome.For each type, describe what equality would look like in the United States.In your view, which type of equality is most desirable for society, and why? DISCUSSION POST 3 : GENDER Same thing your answer of at least 300 words then 2 replies to your peers. Definition of feminism. 1 : the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. 2 : organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests. (wikipedia)For this discussion board: Watch the Ted Talk: We Should All Be Feminists (Links to an external site.)(<-- click on the link)After watching the Ted Talk, discuss:What surprised and/or stood out to you most about Chimamanda Ngozi-Adichies's Ted Talk?Did you learn something new about feminism?Although Chimamanda is addressing Nigerians, her message is a global one. Do you consider yourself a feminist? Why or why not?

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