solved For this assignment, you will select a creation myth from

For this assignment, you will select a creation myth from a culture other than one we have studied in class. Select a culture from the textbook, or go to the following website and select a culture: (Links to an external site.)Select a culture we have not studied this semester. Read from the textbook or listen to the creation story. In the paper you will:Research the basic elements of creation myths. You can use the textbook or reread the page I posted on creation myths.Explain the culture’s creation mythDiscuss whether the culture’s myth contains the three components we discussed: Motif of Separation; Three Genics: Cosmogenics, Theogenics, Anthropogenics; and the Motif of Succession.The paper will be at least five paragraphs: an introduction, at least three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The following instructions explain the expectations for each paragraph:Introduction:Explain what a creation myth is. Discuss the three components of creation myths. State which myth/culture you will discuss.Body Paragraph 1:You can refer to the textbook or reread the Creation Myth page. Here are the components: Motif of Separation; Three Genics: Cosmogenics, Theogenics, Anthropogenics; and the Motif of Succession. Select ONE of the components and in at least one paragraph, explain its meaning. Give an example of how the component is evident in a culture we have read in class. Make sure to paraphrase or write the information in your own words. Do not copy and paste the information. Doing so is plagiarism and can result in failure of the assignment. For help in paraphrasing go to: (Links to an external site.)Body Paragraph 2:Read or listen to the creation story of the culture you selected. In at least one paragraph introduce the culture and briefly explain the creation myth. For example, if you were discussing an Egyptian creation myth, explain how Atum or Ptah emerged from the primordial waters and created the first gods. Then the separation occurred and so forth. For this paragraph, simply tell the story. (Remember, you must read a myth from a culture we have not studied yet in class.)Body Paragraph 3:Consider all three components of creation myths (from above) in relation to the myth that you read. Is there a motif of separation? Is there a creation of gods? If the creation myth of the culture you select does not contain the components, explain the story of creation in that culture. For example, if there is no motif of separation, how did the world come into being? If the gods weren’t created, who or what exists in their place? If there is no motif of succession, how did the creation move forward? Write as many paragraphs as you feel necessary to explain the components.Conclusion: Reflect on what you have learned. What do the similarities and differences in the creation myths suggest to you? What can you conclude about creation myths in general? The paper must be in MLA format.

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