solved For this week, we will look at the Byzantine (Eastern

For this week, we will look at the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire and the Islamic Empires. Read chapter seven in the text  to get started.  
Option A: For option A you will be investigating the Byzantine Empire.  (Links to an external site.)(Eastern Roman Empire).  Read chapter seven in our book and the information at the included web sites below.  What were the outstanding accomplishments of the Byzantine empire (Links to an external site.) under Justinian and Theodora’s (Links to an external site.) rule? What was Theodora’s role in the governance of Constantinople? What was unusual about her role, for the time? In what ways did they preserve the culture of the Roman Empire and help solidify the importance and expansion of Christianity? Don’t forget to respond to one peer. 
Option B: This week we turn our attention to the development and expansion of lslam. (Links to an external site.) I am limiting sources because in the modern world there are so many anti-Islam sites that spread disinformation. I want you to get historical facts. Islam is not a monolithic religion. Under the umbrella of “Islam” are numerous cultural practices and political ideologies that are at odds with each other, as is sometimes the case with Shia and Sunni Islam or   (Links to an external site.)Sufi Islamic mysticism.  (Links to an external site.)Let’s be scholars and really learn so we can understand – just as we did with our other religions and locations. Summarize the rise and main features of Islam.  Then, survey the expansion of Islam -what territories did it include and what were some of the reasons for its amazing success?  Who were the Shi’ites and the Sunnis?  What main issues divided them?  What about Sufi Muslims – what do they believe and practice? Please don’t forget to respond to someone.
The following optional cc video I am including is interesting and very nicely made:

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Option A:
The Byzantine Empire emerged in 330 A.D. and lasted until 1453. Constantine, I set the Eastern half of Rome’s civilization at the site of the ancient Greek colony Byzantium. Byzantium was perfectly located to advance trade between Europe and Asia. Constantine made the capital of the Byzantine Empire, Constantinople. An outstanding accomplishment of the Byzantine empire would be its longevity. In the article, Byzantine Empire, historical authors demonstrate, “ It was the only organized state west of China to survive without interruption from ancient times until the beginning of the modern age” ( The Byzantine Empire had a strong administrative center, a strong capital defense, political stability, geographical location advantages, and control over economic resources within their empire. All of these played a role in how the Byzantine Empire’s flourished. In 527 C.E. Justinian became ruler of the Byzantine Empire. His wife Theodora was a woman with a past not approved by other officials, but Justinian did not care. She ruled by his side and contributed greatly to important decisions made for the Byzantine Empire. Over time she became highly respected, “She would quickly gain the respect by proving to be Justinian’s intellectual and political equal in every way” (Take Online Courses). During this time period, women were seen as inferior and weak to men. In the textbook, In Early World History, authors Brand and Feres illustrate women’s role during this time period, “While women were not granted equal rights, they did enjoy more protection under the law in Byzantine Empire after Justinian ruled” (Sec. 12). Theodora influenced a lot of the changes made to benefit women during this time. Under the rule of Justinian and Theodora, the Byzantine Empire expanded, built spectacular monuments, reformed Roman law, spread Christianity, and reigned as a powerful state. The Code of Justinian was one of the most political contributions made during the Theodora and Justinian rule. In the textbook, In Early World History, authors Brand and Feres write, “The Code of Justinian is a digest of Roman laws, church laws, texts, and other instructional material that became the foundation of Western Law” (Sec.13). These laws helped spread Christianity ideas and also created culture and traditions to solidify the Roman culture. 

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