solved For your initial post, choose one of the prompts below.

For your initial post, choose one of the prompts below. Note that each initial post must also quote and discuss a specific passage (this means to literally copy and paste, word for word, using quotation marks) from the primary source (firsthand account from history) linked or attached to your prompt. Be sure to indicate the sources you are using (textbook, primary source, lecture), at the point of use, in some fashion. There are no points awarded for use of outside sources. There will be point deductions for the use of such lower-tier sources as encyclopedias, blogs, or dictionaries. The follow up query from your instructor, and your own peer posts, may be about any aspect of the readings or lecture materials.1. Using the primary source document The Young Turks: Proclamation for the Ottoman Empire, 1908 , discuss the attempts of the Ottoman Empire to unify and modernize their empire. According to Quataret the Young Turk Constitution represented a parliamentarian approach to the troubles besetting the Empire which ultimately failed (Quataret, 65). In your post, please quote and discuss at least one specific passage from the Young Turks’ proclamation regarding their proposed constitution (the primary source for this prompt). Then using and the Quataret reading for this week or the lecture, consider the earlier attempts at equality and at creating a more centralized government. Consider also the several factors working against reform and unity. Clearly state your sources at the point of use.2. Using the primary source document Fei Ch’i-hao: The Boxer Rebellion, 1900 (just section IV The Gathering of the Storm) explain China’s changing relationship with the outside world 1850s-1911 (discussed in the Haw readings for this week). In your post, please quote and discuss at least one specific passage from the account of Fei Ch’i-hao. Then using the Haw reading assigned for this week, or the lecture, consider the reasons for the Boxer Rebellion and the anger of the Chinese citizens against the foreigners displayed in the primary source. Consider also who wrote this source: a Chinese Christian convert, and his efforts to save the foreign missionaries. What does this tell us about the relationship between China and the West? Clearly state your sources at the point of use.3. Using the primary source document Mohandas K. Gandhi: Indian Home Rule (1909), discuss changes in India during this period. In your post please quote and discuss at least one specific passage from this primary source, Gandhi’s interview on home rule. As you craft your response, consider the long history of British-Indian relations. What is Gandhi’s attitude toward the British and how can this attitude be explained with reference to what we learned in the BBC web article assigned for this week, the lecture, or the Rothermund readings? Please incorporate the BBC article, lecture, or the Rothermund reading in your initial post as well. Clearly state your sources at the point of use.

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