solved -From the required readings, create one question to ask your

-From the required readings, create one question to ask your classmates and post in the discussion.
Chapter 10- Summarizing and Confrontation Skills
Book link:
Acquiring Counseling Skills: Integrating Theory, Multiculturalism, and Self-Awareness
Question 1: Cognitive Dissonance is suggested in the readings as a reason why we should use confrontation with clients. By experiencing this we heighten our anxiety by ignoring our own need for congruence.
Do you remember a time in your life in which you engaged in cognitive dissonance? Did you become aware of it and realize the harm it was causing?
Question 2: When I was reading through Adele’s transcript in this chapter, I could see perhaps this conversation becoming more heated in reality.
What would you all do if you were all of a sudden involved in a confrontation with an angered client? How would you diffuse the situation or would you allow the confrontation to somewhat to continue and be validated in some capacity? 

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