solved Gardening in South Central LA Discussion Board Write a ~500

Gardening in South Central LA Discussion Board
Write a ~500 word response to Ron Finley’s Ted Talk, evaluating his solution by answering the following questions. 

What’s the problem? What’s the solution?
Analyze Finley’s solution – is it a strong solution? Why or why not?

Causation Argument: Does the solution address a cause of the problem?
Coverage/Comprehensiveness Argument: Does the solution address the problem for a significant number of those people most affected by the problem?
Cost/Benefit Argument: Do the solution’s benefits exceed its costs? (Remember that not all costs are financial– time/effort/inconvenience etc can also count as costs.)
Feasibility Argument: Is the solution feasible? Realistic? Easy to implement?
Comparison Argument: Has a similar solution worked well in another comparable context?
Anticipating the Opposition: What arguments might opponents make about this solution?

What rhetorical devices does Ron Finley use to convince his audience of the effectiveness of his solution?
What types of multi-modal argumentation (if any) does he employ? 

answer similar to this, but please don’t copy directly
The problem discussed by Finley is the issue of death by lack of access to healthy food. He discusses how South-Central Los Angeles is full of fast-food joints and liquor stores, but also large areas of open, unoccupied land. He acknowledges that obesity has become a sort of epidemic escalated by the fast-food industry. His solution to solve this problem is to plant “food forests.” These gardens are full of healthy, planted, home-grown food on strips of land owned by the city. Finely uses humor to portray his message of urgency. He uses images of his gardens to show that he has implemented this solution on a minimal scale and it can be a promising step to take to distribute healthier foods to his city. He uses ethos, by providing heartwarming stories of those who have come to his gardens hungry and in need, to target the emotions of his audience. This solution does address the lack of healthy food. Planting gardens full of healthy food creates additional supply of to distribute to the population. This gives the population greater access to foods that will help keep their health in top notch. Although this solution does have the potential to address the problem for a significant number of those people affected, the city may pose a great obstacle for achieving such. The city owns the land that these gardens would be planted on. This means that the city’s funding and cooperation is essential for allowing this solution to go widespread. It seems like this solution would not be extremely costly money wise. Volunteers are the main contributors to garden, but it would also require some funding by the city most likely at least for the land that the gardens would be planted on along with some supplies. This would require volunteers to dedicate a decent amount of time and effort toward the cause but that hasn’t seemed to have been an issue thus far. The costs of this solution are mostly time related rather than money related. Finely has grown his own garden in the city property in front of his house as well as at a local homeless shelter. These both seem to have been effective in providing some healthy foods for the local community. Volunteers were glad to dedicate their time effort. Assuming the city cooperates or offers some resources and volunteers are willing to put in a considerate amount of time and effort, this solution is feasible and realistic. Opponents could argue that people may choose to still consume fast food regardless of whether or not these “food forests” are implemented. Just because there is more healthy food available, does not necessarily guarantee that people will take advantage of that. They could also argue that death by unhealthy choices is not necessarily attributed to eating habits. Lack of exercise, a sedentary lifestyle, depression, and smoking are also factors that could contribute to this problem. This solution does only address the food aspect of unhealthy lifestyle choices that are leading to death. On the other hand, supporters could refute these arguments to some extent.

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