solved Hello i need help with my essay .The essay is:Before

Hello i need help with my essay .The essay is:Before you revise your draft for the submission, take a close look at your classmate’s feedback, re-read the prompt downloadand the writing tips download, and decide which parts need unity, clarity, more development, or coherence (Links to an external site.). If your essay is too long, look what can be trimmed out without damage to the argument as a whole. If your essay is too short, consider more development (additional evidence) or adding another paragraph (see the writing tips for clues).Once all pieces are in place and the points clearly articulated and sufficiently supported to convince your readers, edit your text for syntax (Links to an external site.) and grammar, usage and punctuation, word variety and voice/diction. Remember that your purpose is not to persuade your readers to give up their smartphones, video-game consoles, or hulu cables; nor are you judging them for being too attached to their devices (rather than devirtues). Not that, you have just happened to piece together the things that you learned in your summer class with the capabilities of social networking and realized that sharing could generate awareness and action rather than insouciance (Links to an external site.) and consumption.In case you were too shy to ask: revision is to editing like remodeling is to furnishing. This analogy implies that you should not worry about editing details until you are done revising: once all partitions and hookups are in place, you are ready to prime and paint, and so on.Finally, format your essay in MLA style. (I believe most free and commercial word-processing programs offer MLA-style templates. Just make sure there is no bold typeface (black-lettering) involved, as MLA does not allow that. More information on essay formatting in MLA can be found here (Links to an external site.) and there (Links to an external site.). If you are not yet familiar with MLA style citation, check it here (Links to an external site.) or there (Links to an external site.). Make sure to learn how to do in-text citation and Works Cited.When you paper is fully formatted, save it as a PDF and submit here.This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesisEssay presents a well-balanced thesis informed by relevant sources and adequate for the writing task.10 ptsProficientThe thesis is well balanced, informed by relevant sources and matches the task precisely.0 ptsAbsentNo thesis stated.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroductionIntroduction orients readers towards the assigned topic and indicates how the paper will proceed.5 ptsProficientIntroduction engages and orients readers towards the assigned topic, clearly indicating the direction of the paper.0 ptsAbsentIntroduction is evidently confused or misleading.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePurposeWriter clearly signals the prompted purpose of the essay to its audience.10 ptsProficientWriter clearly signals the prompted purpose of the essay to his or her audience.0 ptsAbsentWriter fails to signal the prompted purpose of the essay to its audience.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFocus and methodEssay analyzes high-tech distractions as tools of control and diversion.10 ptsProficientThe writer analyzes high-tech distractions as tools of control and diversion from social and political issues.0 ptsAbsentThe paper either lacks analysis or the focus of the paper is obviously off.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganizationWriter uses an effective structure that supports thesis with adequate topic sentences.10 ptsProficientWriter uses topic sentences to advance her or his main argument effectively.0 ptsAbsentThe structure of the paper is severely confused, and topic sentences are either missing or inadequate.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDevelopmentWriter marshals relevant, sufficient evidence (reasoning and concrete examples) to support adequate claims10 ptsProficientWriter offers valid reasoning and convincing evidence to support his or her claims, which match the prompt and the purpose.0 ptsAbsentThe writer does not provide sound evidence to support his or her claims or/and the latter are off the assigned focus.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusionConclusion establishes the value of this project for those who appreciate critical thinking.5 ptsProficientWriter concludes her or his essay with a credible emphasis on the importance of thinking critically about the matters that demand attention.0 ptsAbsentThere is no discernible conclusion, or the final paragraph merely copies and pastes introductory/earlier statements.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStyle and voiceEssay is thoroughly edited and appropriate for an academic audience.5 ptsProficientThe writer demonstrates good command of the language to address the intended audience.0 ptsAbsentEssay demonstrates severe difficulties in following conventions of written standard English. Various mistakes obscure meaning.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation and citationWriter documents the cited sources appropriately and in compliance with the current MLA style.5 ptsProficientWriter documents the cited sources expertly in full compliance with the current MLA style and formats the manuscript flawlessly.0 ptsAbsentThe assigned sources or their citations are missing; the format does not comply with MLA style.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverall Rhetorical ValueWriter makes a convincing case for re-evaluating our trivial pursuits of amusements and entertainment.10 ptsProficientThe essay leaves a lasting strong impression on readers after reading.0 ptsAbsentThe essay is either off topic or extremely brief.10 ptsTotal Points: 80

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