solved Hello,please follow each case study question to the corresponding case

Hello,please follow each case study question to the corresponding case studyCase Study 1:Savings & Loans and the Mortgage Markets Please see attached (Savings)Using the Harvard Business Case Study, Savings & Loans and the Mortgage Markets, answer the following questions by creating and submitting a Word document. Your answers should be a maximum of 1 page per question (and very possibly less).1. What are the similarities and differences of the problems encountered by the S&L industry and the more recent problems of the mortgage / housing industry?2. The US government has created several agencies – the FHA, FHLB, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Ginnie Mae – to provide assistance to the housing market and essentially took over Fannie and Freddie in mid-2008 to assure that it could continue to operate. Why has this sector attracted so much attention and assistance?3. What policy actions and changes to the marketplace undermined a solid position of savings and loans in the 1970s? Could the effects of these changes have been anticipated and foreseen?4. Many actions were taken by Congress and regulators to try to address the weakening position of savings and loans. Why were these not effective?Case Study 2:The U.S. Banking Panic of 1933 and Federal Deposit Insurance: (See attached with same title)Using the Harvard Business Case Study, The U.S. Banking Panic of 1933 and Federal Deposit Insurance, answer the following questions by creating and submitting a Word document. Your answers should be a maximum of 1 page per question (and very possibly less).1. In 1929 there were more than 25,000 commercial banks in the U.S. Today there are still approximately 7000 banks. In most other countries there are just a handful of major banks – often 4 to 8 institutions dominate the market place. What explains the vastly different character of the banking system in the U.S. from that of other countries? Similarly, most other countries have not in the past provided government sponsored deposit insurance, though some have put it in place as part of their response to the credit crisis. Does the unique structure of the U.S. banking system indicate a greater need for such insurance?2. As the case study notes, the banking panic of 1933 was not unique. There had been many previous banking panics periodically over the previous century. What made the banking panic of 1933 so extraordinary that it required significant action on the part of the U.S. government?3. Similarly, what was so extraordinary about the credit crisis of 2007-2010 that it has become the centerpiece of economic policy and required such unusual actions as bailouts, government injections of equity into financial institutions, emergency lending facilities, etc.?4. Perhaps the best known quotation of Roosevelt’s was “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. How does the thought behind that quotation fit into the provision of Federal deposit insurance? How does it relate to the response by governments around the world to the current credit crisis?Case study 3:Geithner & Bernanke Amid the Global Financial Crisis (see attached with same name)Using the University of Virginia (UVA) Case Study, Geithner & Bernanke, Amid the Global Financial Crisis, answer the following questions by creating and submitting a Word document. Your answers should be a maximum of 1 page per question (and very possibly less).1. From the breadth and depth of the economic downturn, it was clear that no one single policy action would address the problem. Briefly discuss how the various actions taken by the Treasury and the Fed served to work together or possibly against one another to address the problems.2. How did the backgrounds of both Geithner and Bernanke serve to assist or hinder them in understanding and acting to solve the problems?3. “The biggest problem we now face is how the Treasury and Fed can withdraw from the heavy level of financial support that they’ve provided without plunging the economy back into a recession.” Please comment on this proposition.Case study 4Note on Money and Monetary Policy (see attached same title)sing the Harvard Business Case Study, Note on Money and Monetary Policy, answer the following questions by creating and submitting a Word document. Your answers should be a maximum of 1 page per question (and very possibly less).Following the stock market crash in October 1987 and the terrorist attack in September 2001 the Federal Reserve rapidly increased the amount of money in circulation and lowered interest rates. Why did the Federal Reserve take these actions and what impact do you believe they had? From early 2005 through August 2006, the Federal Reserve steadily raised short term interest rates, being concerned about potential inflationary pressures. It then held short term rates steady through August 2007, saying that it remained very watchful about possible inflationary dangers. However in September 2007 it suddenly dropped rates and took other steps to aid capital market liquidity. Recently short term rates have been maintained at extremely low rates (effectively zero percent for a while). Now there are fears of a double-dip recession and potential deflation on one hand and other fears of potential high inflation in the foreseeable future. If you were sitting on the Open Market Committee today, how would you go about deciding what policy path to take, particularly given the lag in the effect of some monetary policies on the real economy?

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