solved Hello, the assignment is to respond to these two discussion

Hello, the assignment is to respond to these two discussion post. The topic is about teaching and learning In the role of a professional nurse. Please see attached rubric for discussion response requirement. Please type discussion 1 and put your response under it as if you were replying to the writer. Be sure to include references of peer reviewed article used in the response. Each discussion should include 3 references. 400 words to each response.Discussion 1:Lauren1. As a nurse working in the adolescent psych department, due to experience and performance I was looked at to precept new hires. Teaching isn’t an easy thing to do regardless of how educated one is due to everyone not having the same thought process or having the same learning style. Nurses are very diverse in terms of age, gender, experience, lifestyle. Diversity causes various learning needs, “the gap or difference between what the learner currently knows about a given topic and what the learner needs to know to provide care for another” (Blais and Hayes, 2016, p.143). Teaching new nurses how to correctly and efficiently do their job is a lot of pressure. “It’s been estimated that about 17% of newly qualified nurses leave their first job within 12 months. Even worse, if new nurses have a poor experience during this transition period, they may leave the profession” (Loughran et al. 2019). In addition to precepting new graduates, I’ve precepted experienced nurses; “preceptorships aren’t only for new nurses. Experienced nurses who are new employees, nurses returning from a hiatus, and undergraduate or graduate nursing students can also benefit from such a partnership” (Loughran et al. 2019).I felt like I was successful in precepting because I was adequate at: “assessing learning needs and setting goals, developing and implementing learning plans, teaching time, management and prioritization inpatient care, evaluating clinical competence and, documenting learning and clinical progress, teaching and promoting clinical reasoning, critical thinking, and problem-solving, providing constructive feedback and coaching, role-modeling evidence-based professional nursing practice, applying effective communication, interpersonal, and conflict management skills to foster collaboration and patient satisfaction” (Wolters, 2016). I believe being provided and receptive to constructive criticism from future students would help elevate my skills, improve my teaching methods, and role.2. As a nurse, I’m continuously learning from various training or my co-workers. I try to be proactive to ask questions on subjects I’m not confident about or have little knowledge of. In addition, YouTube is a great resource I often use especially since I’m a visual then hands-on learner. I love learning new things, medicine has always been fascinating to me. The more knowledge I have, the better I believe I will be as a provider. I don’t think anything demotivates me to learn, I always try to look at a situation as a glass half full. Being a nurse has its hard times, it helps to keep a positive mindset in a negative time. Teachers are so motivating and I’ve learned to appreciate them more as I’ve matured. It’s difficult teaching multiple personalities and learning styles at once. Everyone “learns at different speeds, and they each have their way of taking in content and remembering it. Problems arise when teachers are expected to apply a fixed curriculum to students with vastly different needs. Adapting lessons to students and tailoring content to their needs takes time, which is in short supply” (Dussault, 2018).In one of my semesters in nursing school, I had a professor who was new doing classroom and simulation teaching. Unfortunately, this made my semester extremely difficult and took me twice as long to comprehend materials causing me to increase my studying time and stress. I had to use different sources like YouTube and tutoring to reinforce my readings, I’m fortunate enough that those combined methods were successful.Discussion 2: Emmanuela1. I work on a pediatric unit that is dedicated to orthopedic/surgical/ stepdown patients. Our floor sees a lot of complicated and difficult orthopedic surgeries performed by world renowned Dr. Paley. When I was hired on this floor my managers were very excited to learn I spoke Polish as Dr. Paley operates on a lot of international patients included patients from Poland. In a recent event I had to use my nursing teaching skills to good use and do it all in my mother language. One of my patients was being discharged and I had to teach the parent about several different things like: proper positioning, excessive bleeding, wound cleaning and bandage changing, CMP machine alignment and duration, skin breakdown, and etc. This situation contributes to my role because these are things that I must teach my parents all the time before they go home. The big accomplishment in this particular situation was the fact that I was able to speak the same language as the patient. The reason why this is so important is because a lot of things can get “lost in translation” and in this case and lead to surgical complications or infections. In a recent article it was determined that, “language barriers in healthcare lead to miscommunication between the medical professional and patient, reducing both parties’ satisfaction and decreasing the quality of healthcare delivery and patient safety.” (Al Shamsi et al., 2020) I’ve learned to do differently and improve on is continuous teaching. What I mean by this is that teaching parents about all the things mentioned above can be very overwhelming. But if these lessons are broken down by involving the parent in their child’s care throughout the hospital stay, by the time discharge comes, these tasks won’t seem so scary and overwhelming. Therefore, nowadays I always ask the parents to help me, and I walk them through what I am doing. Sometimes teenagers prefer if the nurses do things instead of the parents, but I always tell them and encourage them to understand that I won’t be going home with them, so it’s important to give their parents a chance. A study was created that focused on the discharge process in hospitals in Sweden and how affective and involved it is. It showed that, “healthcare systems have much to gain from facilitating patient learning about self-management and engaging patients to become active partners in care, as patients with high levels of activation have the most effective self-management skills. Additionally, those with high knowledge of both their disease and its management have shown lower re-hospitalization rates.” (Flink & Ekstedt, 2017) This why it’s so important that a proper teaching is done prior to discharge. Nurses are vital teachers in patients’ life, community, and for each other. 2. As a professional nurse and student, I have experienced a lot of different and really interesting opportunities. Given the opportunity to work where I work, I have gotten to see some of the most interesting surgeries and sadly to say a lot of bad traumas. While I was in nursing school, my school was part of the hospital. Therefore, our class got to be part of a lot of different experiences while we were in nursing school such as open-heart surgeries, open brain surgeries, and so on. People learn in many ways and that is why nurses must adapt to the way their patients receive information. Recent article showed that, “learning style preferences exist among practicing nurses. The need for education in various formats is essential to the success of nurses in the ever-changing health care environment.” (Mangold et al., 2018) My learning style is visual and hands on. Since I was a little girl; I always had to touch and see things in order for my brain to process the information. Therefore, even in nursing school or while I was a nurse in training, I had to do it myself. That is the best way for me to absorb and retain the information. What motivates me to learn is the curiosity of something new, something unknown. The ability to master it. I have a competitive nature, so it almost comes down to that competitive feeling of not wanting to be unknowledgeable or uneducated or behind. What demotivates my drive from learning unfortunately, is probably the same as it is for most. Which would be if I’m not interested in the topic, or the way the topic is taught is boring and monotoned. What I see in teachers I admire is their passion and knowledge of the topic they are discussing. But also, the ability to stop and listen to new perspectives and engage students in the learning process, not by tests and quizzes but by conversations. Feeling like your part of something and having a safe space to share is a wonderful learning environment. The positive experiences that I will share will be with my dance instructors. Even though he is the master, he stops and listens to me when I want to change something or if I say something doesn’t feel right. He allows me to be creative and have an input, never telling me that it won’t work or that’s stupid. Unfortunately, I’ve also had some poor experiences. One of my most memorable would be when I was in high school and the honors English teacher pulled me into her office and told me my paper is trash and as an immigrant I shouldn’t be in an honors class and if I choose to stay in her class, she won’t ever give me anything above a “C”. That had a huge impact on me, it made me feel so self-conscious, it made me feel embarrassed when I wrote papers. It made me feel unworthy. She never took the time to explain to me why my paper was trash or what I could do to improve myself, in her book I was a lost cause. She got what she wanted, I dropped from her class the next day.Below is the case study question they responded to: Dont respond to the case study question. Only respond to the discussion posts.Describe at least one situation/event in your practice where you have served as a teacher in your current role as a nurse, or in a recent role or position that you have held in the health care environment.Analyze the situation/event. How does this contribute to your teaching role and how you can apply to similar events in the future?Evaluate the situation/event. What do you feel are your successes in this particular teaching instance and what you could you do in the future to improve your teaching methods and role?Describe the learning opportunities that you have experienced or sought out as a professional nurse, student, etc.What would you say your learning style is and why?What motivates you to learn and what demotivates your drive to learn?What did you see in teachers that you admire and why? Describe one positive experience. Have you had an experience with poor teaching? How did this impact you?

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