solved Hello there, I have 2 lesson plans that I need

Hello there, I have 2 lesson plans that I need your help with. below, there is the prompt so just follow the steps and let me know if you have any questions. Let me know if you have an questions. Please turn in 2 Lesson Plans.I recommend them to be realistic Lesson Plans you can turn in for a job interview in the near future, I recommend one to be aimed more at teaching Virtually, and one aimed at teaching on the ground.The one aimed at teaching Virtually could have less intensive hands-on activities, with more of an emphasis on world-building or concepts that can be engaged with basic drawing utensils pen, pencil, paper, crayons, markers, and erasers. The one aimed at teaching on the ground I recommend having a more intense hands-on activity, with more of an emphasis being on using more equipment and storage space – for example, perhaps the students all have photo cameras to use, or canvases and paints to use, or screen prints they could print onto shirts or clay they can sculpt and then have someone burn them into ceramics. I recommend both Lesson Plans to be constructed by you, rather than by a template that you fill in. To assist you with this, here are categories you could include in your Lesson Plans. You could use them all, or you could curate a selection of items listed below (perhaps one Lesson Plan is slightly different than the other, as one is aimed for Virtual teaching and the other for on the ground teaching):- Lesson Title: – Grades: – Subject:- Time Required: (Always allow 5 minutes to settle at the beginning of class and allow 5 minutes to wrap up the lesson at the end) – Instructor:- California Arts State Standard: (find by navigating the PDF – I recommend using the “command F” style I showed you all in class, where you type in keywords that you sense to have the flavor of what you want your lesson to be about –…- Class Set-Up: (prior to class beginning…you could have all materials ready, finished project examples could be at the workspace to get ready for sharing, you could have images and other inspirations open ready for screen sharing)- Lesson Information: (This is context, and it is what informs the lesson plan – so it isn’t found in the lesson plan, yet you may want to write a note somewhere to remind yourself of what is informing your lesson plan along the length of your lesson plan)- Overview: (What you would like students to know or be able to do after the lesson?)- Introduction: (Introduce yourself, if online you can ask people at this time to turn on cameras if possible and if they have any questions or comments they can write them in the chat or use the emoji function at the bottom of the screen)- Theme: (Discuss theme or inspiration for the activity. If online, share the screen with images at this time)- Learning Goal: (Generally are broad statements written from an instructor’s perspective that generally describe what an instructor aims to do)- Essential Question/Driving Question: (Generally ate inquires – like ‘what if’ statements, they usually are not conflict-oriented or argumentative, in other words, they are phrases usually pointing to a dwelling space to explore further)- Introduce Activity: (Present finished project to the class, or discuss how the project could turn out in different ways, and name some possible routes it could take)- Objectives: (describe goals and intentions through statements revealing what you intend to teach or cover in a learning experience)- Materials: (Introduce materials by discussing the materials that you are using or simply list them)- Lesson Description/Steps: (This is an agenda-like set of descriptions or steps that you will follow to complete the lesson. I recommend writing an approximation of how long each step will take, and, next to that keep a running tab on how long your steps are accumulating to be as a total)- Extensions/intentional Tangents: (These are activities that elongate the learning of the lesson)- Key Vocabulary: (A list of words or concepts that are important to introduce to students in the lesson)- Question & Answer Time: (Address any questions students may have. If online, students can unmute themselves to verballyask questions)- Wrap up: (Ask students to hold up their work to the camera if online to share final projects)- Learning Outcomes/Assessment: (Is specific data about students written with a focus on the student and how the student will demonstrate achievement)

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