solved Here is the comment I received on the last assignment:You’ve

Here is the comment I received on the last assignment:You’ve done a very nice job of organizing your response. I’m going to provide some detailed feedback below, but keep in mind that the point of these assignments (especially the early ones) is for you to try out a type of analysis and writing that’s new to you. I do not expect you to have mastered it right off the bat. The point is for you to have a go at it and then for me to provide feedback that you can use in the next assignment.You did a really nice job of inhabiting the assigned role and keeping your audience in mind. Your tone and writing style were just right. For the next assignment, there’s no need to include citations. They usually wouldn’t be used in a memo of this sort. Or, if they were, they’d be to materials that are specific to the jurisdiction. For teaching purposes, in this course we use materials from multiple jurisdictions. It would be odd to cite these materials in a real-word setting, though. For the next assignment, you might work on being more specific about the risks you are working with your audience to manage. E.g., “the hospital could be held liable for breaching a duty to the patient by failing to implement reasonable rules and policies to protect her safety. The damages could be quite high if the fetus does not survive.”One way to approach these assignments is to think in terms of what value you can provide for your audience based on the material and skills you’re learning in the MLS program generally (e.g., compliance principles and skills, basic tort law concepts) and this course in particular (e.g., the elements of negligence and how the standard of care is assessed for the purposes of the breach element for a tort claim against a hospital).The main thing I’m looking for in these assignments is how you apply your knowledge of the relevant material from the course to the fact pattern in the assignment. You did a really nice job of this for your first assignment. For the next one, I think you can do even better! One way to check over your work before submitting an assignment is to scan your draft for key terms that you’ve learned in the course. If you’ve written a paragraph or two without using any key terms related to health care law (e.g. for Assignment 1, the most important terms include: “liability,” “breach,” “standard of care,” and “informed consent”) and/or compliance (e.g., for Assignment 1, the key terms were “written policies and procedures,” and “training”) there’s a good chance you’re missing something. In some cases, you used terms that were close to the key terms (e.g., you wrote a lot about the importance of “informed decisions” and the importance of respecting the patient’s autonomy, but you didn’t explain that ensuring the patient gives “informed consent” to forgo continuous monitoring, after being informed about the risks and benefits, could help protect the hospital from liability for negligence and the physicians and nurses from malpractice liability if there’s a bad outcome.

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