solved Hey, I need you to rewrite two discussion questions in

Hey, I need you to rewrite two discussion questions in your own words. You can bring up new points to the argument.DISCUSION Ainternational environmental regimes help solve the transboundary problem and collective action problem by establishing an institution through which states can take collective action to address an environmental issue without sacrificing their sovereignty. The transboundary problem is one in which the actions of one state have an environmental impact on another state. Thus, the best way to approach this issue would be to address things internationally to protect the interests and sovereignty of one state while ensuring that the environmental problem is dealt with. In theory, international environmental regimes can take this approach as states can take collective action towards an environmental issue through discussions, agreements, compromises, and such. These features of international environmental regimes also solve the collective action problem by giving them the opportunity to use collective action with other states to serve their own interests. The collective action problem describes the tendency for individuals to act in the maximization of their own interests, even if it comes to the detriment of others. International environmental regimes facilitate the persuasion of states to commit to common principles and rules through power, wealth, and knowledge. These incentivize states to join international environmental regimes especially because states can share interests and are oftentimes willing to collaborate or bargain in order to solve common problems. States also make agreements in these regimes in which they commit to addressing an environmental issue or reducing their impact. While international environmental regimes do not have much enforcement power, states are held to their agreements through economic incentives and societal norms. One common issue for poorer countries is that their environmental and economical concerns will be put aside and regulations placed on them by international environmental regimes will restrict their development, while richer countries have already reaped the benefits of their pollution. To help avoid this, poor countries can be given exceptions to certain rules and also be provided with funding and resources from richer countries. These techniques help promote equality within international environmental regimes to ensure their participation and upholding of the rules and practices.DISCUSSION BThe idea that I found most interesting was the chances for upward social mobility. The idea that Bourdieu introduces describes the phenomenon of how likely a son of a middle-class worker would be able to advance into a higher social order. I felt this was important because of how it insinuates that although money is very important to fund social mobility, it is not the most important. Such as in the movie, People Like Us, many people believed that social class is a mindset, in which people could change social classes if they have the capital for it. The most important thing would be for your father to have a higher education. Another thing that is interesting is how people in certain professions would approach raising children. People in the very middle of the middle class would most likely hold off on having multiple children, if any, in order to save money. Furthermore, people would also define their tastes and lifestyles-based on which group is creating the definition. Even though I am not from a high social class, I believe that since people of the highest class should technically have the best taste, I find that looking down on others for not enjoying the same things they do is a bad taste in and of itself.

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