solved HIS151*50: History in the News AssignmentsTopic: For these assignments, I

HIS151*50: History in the News AssignmentsTopic: For these assignments, I want you to discover ways in which your history coursematerials can inform your reading of the daily news from an Iowa news source. Begin by reading and selecting an Iowa new source. Next, what connections can you make with your selected news article and the information presented in your textbook? Keep in mind your news event can be anything from international to local news, and it simply has to come from a news source based in Iowa. Also, your article should involve current news and not be an article primarily discussing history. Please contact me if you have any questions over this.Directions:Provide the title of the article at the top of the page. If the article you’ve chosen is online, then include a full link in the references section at the end of the paper.Summarize the article in a paragraph. Your news article can really be about anything, provided it involves a current event and you can make distinct connections between your course materials in the assigned reading for this class.For the rest of the assignment, explain how what you’ve learned in class or in the textbook helped you to better understand the article. In other words, connect it to the class with specific examples from the course materials.Here are some examples of questions you might ask yourself: How do our course materials help me understand the context (background) of this news story? How are the events described in the story related to a topic we’ve studied in class? How might an understanding of history change the outcome of the events described in the story?Purpose: One of the things I would like you to get out of this class is a sense of historical context and how that context shapes the world in which we live. Think about it as “the past of the present.” There are three of these assignments due throughout the term. At the end of the term, I will drop the lowest of the three grades. Each time, you will need to choose a different news article.Sources: You will utilize your news article and the textbook for this paper. These are the only sources you will use. News sources should be legitimate news sources based in Iowa. I must admit, part of the point of the assignment is to get you to engage with the news if you are not doing so already, so the most organic way to do this is just check the news every day and keep your eyes peeled and ears tuned. Some examples of news sources are Iowa Public Radio, Des Moines Register, Iowa City Press-Citizen, The Ottumwa Courier, Oskaloosa Herald, Fairfield Ledger, Daily Iowegian, Bloomfield Democrat, Albia News, etc. You may choose other news sources that are not on this list.*Note: Use full MLA reference citations for your sources and include full URL web address for all online sources.Length, Style, Format, Documentation: MLA style, 600-800 word count, 1” margins, Times New Roman size 12 font, double-spaced (0 pt. spacing before and after), with page numbers. At an average of 340 words per page, this amounts to one to two typed double-spaced pages. Word 1count begins at the first line of actual text in your paper and does not include the references section. All sources must be cited within the text as in-text citations with page numbers and then fully listed in the works cited section at the end of the paper. Remember to cite any information that is not common knowledge, including all summarizing, paraphrasing, quoting, and using statistics from your sources. This includes your textbook. Here is an example of what a proper citation looks like (Foner 257). More complete information on the citation process is located in the Paper Guidelines, so please consult this document, as well. Keep direct quotations to a maximum of 10% of the total content of your paper. Please carefully review all the items I’ve posted on How to Avoid Plagiarism located in the Resources folder. Use full MLA stylistic conventions. Consulting Diana Hacker’s newest Rules for Writers or the Purdue OWL website are excellent places to learn MLA style. Include full URL web address for all online sources in works cited page.

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