solved How did modern Japan (1868-present) use war as a strategy

How did modern Japan (1868-present) use war as a strategy to “catch up” to the West? When, if ever, did Japan feel it had accomplished this goal and gained acceptance as an equal partner among the great powers of Europe and the United States?Your essay should be no less than four and no more than five full pages, double-spaced. Your heading should consist of nothing more than your name and a title (points will be deducted for non-compliance). The use of course readings is highly encouraged, and essays that do not engage meaningfully with one or more assigned texts (not including the textbook) are unlikely to earn a grade in the A range. If you refer to the course literature, you may use any recognizable citation style with which you are comfortable. If in doubt, refer to the Chicago Manual of Style (available online). Full citations for all course materials are available on the syllabus. Points will be deducted for incorrect citations. If your citation style requires a bibliography, please note that the reference page is not included in the page count. Do not cite lectures. No additional research is expected or required, though you may choose to use outside sources (cited appropriately). Essays do not need to be polished papers, but should be carefully proofread.

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