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I don’t understand this English question and need help to study.

The Friendship That Changed Me In my first year of college I finally found a friendship that changed my life for the better. Finding a true friend or friends is not always easy because, you never know what people’s intentions are. Yes, I have had friends in the past that made me cry, increase my level of anxiety and depression. I ask myself all the time was this the friendship I wanted? There is this old saying “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”. In my opinion I believe this old saying is invalid and not true! (Exclamatory). Words do hurt people especially if it comes from those who we love and consider as friends. Some people hate school others don’t, but as for me I love school. Education is important to me because I always wanted to become a successful human resource manager at a law firm. The beginning of high school was slightly difficult in the sense that there was a lot of bullying going on. People making funny of others because they couldn’t afford the latest sneakers, or their parents didn’t drive the fastest car. I constantly hear the taunting of other students in the hallways and yet nothing is done about it (Antithesis). I would tell the other students to stop but they would just simply ignore me because I was a freshmen. The exams in school however was always a piece of cake (metaphors).I first met my best friend Jessica in fifth period English class. We all sat together and shared the same interest such as music and dance. I knew that this friendship would last forever. When times were ruff I could always count on her. Whenever my anxiety attack would occur she would take me into the girls washroom and help me control my breathing. That’s not all, she would always hold my hands and we would pray together. We wipe each other’s tears, we make each other laugh, and smile (pathos). On Tuesday, during march break I was in a very difficult situation that I had no control over. I had an allergic reaction which caused permanent flares ups on my skin. By Thursday it had gotten worse. I was advised by my family doctor to apply a medical cream called polysporin eczema. By the end of the week it had gotten a little bit better. At night I would look at myself in the mirror and cry and ask myself “why is this happening to me?”. The pain never fades away the scars on my body are still healing (Assonance). The tears that flow down my face unto my pillow case is like a never ending cycle (simile). When I first walked into school all eyes were on me. I could hear people giggling, laughing but I did everything to ignore them. I was just looking forward to seeing my best friend and forgetting about my problem. All humans have some form of emotions. All humans are not perfect (Anaphora). Yet we still ridicule others for things they have no control of. Walking into first period I saw Jessica and the first thing that she did when they saw me was laugh. Immediately my heart dropped to my stomach. Why did my only best friend hurt me in such a way like never before? (interrogative). I kept my emotions to myself because I didn’t want anyone to see me cry. Over the past couple of years into our friendship I notice a lot of things were changing. Whenever I would speak on how I feel, Jessica would dismiss my feelings. She would say hurtful things such as “ you’re not pretty like before” ,or “ ew it’s so hard to eat when your face has flares ups”. Jessica angry words were like bullets to my soul (metaphors). We became quite distance almost like acquaintance, it didn’t bother me I just thought this friendship would last. Now I only look forward towards the sounds of bells that rings at 3:15pm When the bells ring, it’s like music to my ears (simile). Home was truly my safety net(metaphor). Over the past couple of years my anxiety and depression got worse. The best day of my life was when I finally graduated from high school. It was such a huge accomplishment just because of everything that I went through on my own. Not only did I graduate but I received an accounting award for having the highest gpa of 92%. At the same time it was a bitter sweet moment because I didn’t have any classmates to take pictures with after the ceremony. I could hear flashes of cameras all around me and yet not one friend in sight (simile). Couple of months later I received a confirmation email by Humber College that I got accepted to the business school. Although this was exciting news, and important to me I knew that making friends in College was something I would pass on (hypotaxis). My very first day of College didn’t go as smooth as I thought. My anxiety and depression all seem to be crashing down on me. I didn’t want talk or participate in any class discussion. I can admit that I was afraid of finding a friend and getting burn. Consider what happened to me in my first year of high school (imperative). It’s in my human instinct to not take any chances of getting hurt again. My heart was ripped like someone was tearing a page from a book (metaphors). My second semester was quite different this time. During Microeconomics we had to partner up for a group project. Immediately my anxiety flew to the roof. Before I could get up, a young lady name Joanne asked me if we could be partners. I took the opportunity to work with her and the flash backs I use to get from my pervious friendship were gone. I finally made a friend who understands the true value of friendship. She never judge me for my flares up, she never said hurtful things. Joanne lovely voice was like delicate music to my ears (metaphors). I could express myself to her and she would open to hear anything I have to say. She had a birthday event and invited me to sit next to her during dinner. When it times for my daily checks up at the doctor I notice that my anxiety and depression was not like before when I was in high school. My doctor told me that according to statistics once you find some form of peace or comfort in your life things start to change for the better. I wasn’t so anxious anymore, I didn’t feel like the world was on my shoulders. This friendship with Joanne prevented loneliness and increase a sense of belonging and purpose. The fact is that no friendship is prefect but a friendship should not destroy your peace. Almost every day I look forward to going to college and achieving an advanced diploma in the business and administration program. Most importantly I look forward to the friendship that changed me for the better. Through the hard and good times Joanne never left my side. I value our friendship so much that I official stop getting flash back of my past. I am finally at peace and have someone to call a friend, she is practically my sister. The Friendship That Changed Me In my first year of college I finally found a friendship that changed my life for the better. Finding a true friend or friends is not always easy because, you never know what people’s intentions are. Yes, I have had friends in the past that made me cry, increase my level of anxiety and depression. I ask myself all the time was this the friendship I wanted? There is this old saying “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”. In my opinion I believe this old saying is invalid and not true! (Exclamatory). Words do hurt people especially if it comes from those who we love and consider as friends. Some people hate school others don’t, but as for me I love school. Education is important to me because I always wanted to become a successful human resource manager at a law firm. The beginning of high school was slightly difficult in the sense that there was a lot of bullying going on. People making funny of others because they couldn’t afford the latest sneakers, or their parents didn’t drive the fastest car. I constantly hear the taunting of other students in the hallways and yet nothing is done about it (Antithesis). I would tell the other students to stop but they would just simply ignore me because I was a freshmen. The exams in school however was always a piece of cake (metaphors).I first met my best friend Jessica in fifth period English class. We all sat together and shared the same interest such as music and dance. I knew that this friendship would last forever. When times were ruff I could always count on her. Whenever my anxiety attack would occur she would take me into the girls washroom and help me control my breathing. That’s not all, she would always hold my hands and we would pray together. We wipe each other’s tears, we make each other laugh, and smile (pathos). On Tuesday, during march break I was in a very difficult situation that I had no control over. I had an allergic reaction which caused permanent flares ups on my skin. By Thursday it had gotten worse. I was advised by my family doctor to apply a medical cream called polysporin eczema. By the end of the week it had gotten a little bit better. At night I would look at myself in the mirror and cry and ask myself “why is this happening to me?”. The pain never fades away the scars on my body are still healing (Assonance). The tears that flow down my face unto my pillow case is like a never ending cycle (simile). When I first walked into school all eyes were on me. I could hear people giggling, laughing but I did everything to ignore them. I was just looking forward to seeing my best friend and forgetting about my problem. All humans have some form of emotions. All humans are not perfect (Anaphora). Yet we still ridicule others for things they have no control of. Walking into first period I saw Jessica and the first thing that she did when they saw me was laugh. Immediately my heart dropped to my stomach. Why did my only best friend hurt me in such a way like never before? (interrogative). I kept my emotions to myself because I didn’t want anyone to see me cry. Over the past couple of years into our friendship I notice a lot of things were changing. Whenever I would speak on how I feel, Jessica would dismiss my feelings. She would say hurtful things such as “ you’re not pretty like before” ,or “ ew it’s so hard to eat when your face has flares ups”. Jessica angry words were like bullets to my soul (metaphors). We became quite distance almost like acquaintance, it didn’t bother me I just thought this friendship would last. Now I only look forward towards the sounds of bells that rings at 3:15pm When the bells ring, it’s like music to my ears (simile). Home was truly my safety net(metaphor). Over the past couple of years my anxiety and depression got worse. The best day of my life was when I finally graduated from high school. It was such a huge accomplishment just because of everything that I went through on my own. Not only did I graduate but I received an accounting award for having the highest gpa of 92%. At the same time it was a bitter sweet moment because I didn’t have any classmates to take pictures with after the ceremony. I could hear flashes of cameras all around me and yet not one friend in sight (simile). Couple of months later I received a confirmation email by Humber College that I got accepted to the business school. Although this was exciting news, and important to me I knew that making friends in College was something I would pass on (hypotaxis). My very first day of College didn’t go as smooth as I thought. My anxiety and depression all seem to be crashing down on me. I didn’t want talk or participate in any class discussion. I can admit that I was afraid of finding a friend and getting burn. Consider what happened to me in my first year of high school (imperative). It’s in my human instinct to not take any chances of getting hurt again. My heart was ripped like someone was tearing a page from a book (metaphors). My second semester was quite different this time. During Microeconomics we had to partner up for a group project. Immediately my anxiety flew to the roof. Before I could get up, a young lady name Joanne asked me if we could be partners. I took the opportunity to work with her and the flash backs I use to get from my pervious friendship were gone. I finally made a friend who understands the true value of friendship. She never judge me for my flares up, she never said hurtful things. Joanne lovely voice was like delicate music to my ears (metaphors). I could express myself to her and she would open to hear anything I have to say. She had a birthday event and invited me to sit next to her during dinner. When it times for my daily checks up at the doctor I notice that my anxiety and depression was not like before when I was in high school. My doctor told me that according to statistics once you find some form of peace or comfort in your life things start to change for the better. I wasn’t so anxious anymore, I didn’t feel like the world was on my shoulders. This friendship with Joanne prevented loneliness and increase a sense of belonging and purpose. The fact is that no friendship is prefect but a friendship should not destroy your peace. Almost every day I look forward to going to college and achieving an advanced diploma in the business and administration program. Most importantly I look forward to the friendship that changed me for the better. Through the hard and good times Joanne never left my side. I value our friendship so much that I official stop getting flash back of my past. I am finally at peace and have someone to call a friend, she is practically my sister. those is questions.1. Does this paper sustain a coherent point of view? Why or why not?
2. Overall, are the sentences rhetorically interesting or powerful?
3. Do you feel you have gained insight not only into the writer’s private experience
but into a larger experience, one that others can share in?
4. What is the strongest aspect of the draft?
5. How could the piece be made stronger?
6. Do you have any further suggestions for your classmate?

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