solved I hope you’re taking the time to really consider how
I hope you’re taking the time to really consider how you perceive the world around you. As we discussed yesterday, stereotyping is an important tool that allows humans to categorize information since we really can’t juggle so much data without some sort of internal “filing system”. Of course, we need to be careful not to allow stereotypes to dictate everything about a particular person or we run the risk of overattributing or overgeneralizing and missing important information unique to each individual. Please take a few minutes to consider the PSA from Denmark that we watched in class last week. This runs on public television and helps remind the population that each of us is unique and have multi-faceted lives. thinking about stereotyping and other facets of our process of perception, also consider how deception factors into our perceptions and ultimately, our lives. Are you less likely to trust someone who has betrayed you in the past? Have you been the person who has deceived another? As we discussed, Buller & Burgoon’s article on “Interpersonal Deception Theory” discusses three very distinct types of deception 1) Falsification 2) Concealment 3) Equivocation. Next take the time to watch the film “Catch Me If You Can” with Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks. Watch this not just for enjoyment, but consider how perception and deception is illustrated in this film. Consider how Frank Abignale, Jr. manipulates others perception of him as a means to an end.Finally, please provide three specific examples from the film that illustrate falsification, concealment and equivocation. Please keep a good record of your response to this question since a similar question will appear on your midterm.