solved I’m working on a art question and need guidance to
I’m working on a art question and need guidance to help me learn.
Group DescriptionIn groups of 4 people, you will research (each person must use a minimum of three sources) one of the selected artworks and create a presentation considering Terry Smith’s questions below (each person take one question). Make sure to reference your sources carefully. Go to groups and then Group Presentation Sign Up sheet to choose your group. You will see images of the artworks assigned to each group. What can I see just by looking at this artwork?How was this artwork actually made?When was it made, and what was happening in art and broader history at that time?Why did the artist create this work and what is its meaning to them, and to us nowAdditional resources in Course Content/Module 8 folderPlease have one member of your group submit your slides here by end of day Friday Oct 29th The slides also need to be posted to the Group presentations forum- individual comments are due by end of day Mon 1st Immersion (‘Piss Christ’) 1987 Andres Serrano YOU JUST HAVE TO ANSWER THE QUESTION NUMBER 4 LIKE THIS IS A GROUP PROJECT SO I JUST HAVE TO ANSWER THE 4 TH QUESTIONWhy did the artist create this work and what is its meaning to them, and to us now
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