solved I’m working on a art writing question and need a
I’m working on a art writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Task: Take a closer look at Etruscan Art by answering the following two questions. Each response must be a short answer essay with a minimum of 200 words which is approximately a paragraph. Remember that written assignments must follow the MLA formatting style including a header, heading and title. 1. Visit Reverence at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Examine the Etruscan bronze chariot while metal conservator Armorer Hermes Knauer speaks. React to the object and to the role of the museum conservator as described by Knauer. A Met site search for “Etruscan chariot” will provide additional images, videos, and documentation on the object.2. Read this essay on Etruscan Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art . Then visit the Etruscan “Kore” Figure. Compare the Etruscan kore figure with the Greek archaic kore figures in your textbook. What characteristics are common among the figures?
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