solved I’m working on a marketing writing question and need a
I’m working on a marketing writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Place: Channel MotivationEvery retail outlet has unique characteristics that influence a brand’s success. These include the location of the outlet, the type of shopper who frequents the outlet, the cost of doing business through the outlet, and outlet policies governing the product category in which you compete. Outlet policies include how much shelf space they allocate to the product category, how they allocate shelf space among brands, whether they carry a broad or narrow line, their willingness to carry in-store point-of-purchase promotional displays, etc.This assignment is designed to provide insight into that process by asking you to visit three retail outlets in your neighborhood: a mass merchandiser, a grocery store, and a drugstore. Please fill out the tables below and then discuss your findings.1. Complete the following to table to create general descriptions of outlets with respect to the OTC cold medication product category.DrugstoreGroceryMass MerchandiserName of OutletDescription of Typical CustomerApprox. % of Store Allocated to Product CategoryPharmacist Present?Approx. # of Brands CarriedContinued on next page…2. Complete the table below to compare the presence of a particular OTC liquid multi- symptom cold medication across channel outlets.Name of Brand:DrugstoreGroceryMass Merchandiser# of SKUs for brandApproximate Linear Feet of Shelf Space Allocated to BrandMSRP of Primary SKU (if available)Standard Retail PricePromotional PriceDescription of Any Promotional Vehicles (point-of-purchase displays, coupons, etc.)3. Why is shelf space such an important measure? How do you think a brand—especially a new brand—gains shelf space? What motivates channels of distribution to sell a product?