solved I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need a

I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Conduct a comprehensive cultural and spiritual assessment on a patient that you see in your clinical experience this week.  If you were not in clinical this week conduct this assessment on a professional colleague, friend, or family member.
Document the assessment in the context of a subjective data set that you will use as your discussion post.  Use one of mnemonics presented in this week’s lecture materials to guide your spiritual assessment. (You can use either FICA or HOPE assessment tool just like the examples)
Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis and include peer-reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with in-text citations and corresponding references in APA format.
Culture and religion heavily influence people’s lifestyles. In many cases, cultural traditions and religious practices can affect the way healthcare is provided. For example, Muslim women who dress in modesty would prefer a female practitioner or nurse. Often, patients ask for certain changes in healthcare due to their religious beliefs, which is an important factor when providing quality healthcare. The patient is in a comfortable environment by being able to take out this request. 
        An assessment of culture and spirituality can be conducted using the FICA spirituality tool. This tool focuses on Faith or Beliefs, Importance and Influence, Community, and Address (Spiritual Assessment Tool-FICA, 2006). Spirituality is an essential part of mental and physical health. When a person experiences spiritual distress, they are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety (Puchalski, 2021). Using this tool, I conducted my initial spirituality and cultural assessment. It is very important to ask for consent so before I carried out the initial assessment I asked if the patient was comfortable with answering the questions.
F: (Faith or belief)
What is your faith or belief? 
“I am Sikh.”
Do you consider yourself spiritual or religious?
“I consider myself a very religious person, it is a part of who I am.”
What things do you believe in that give meaning to your life? 
“I believe in keeping Gods name in my heart, working hard and making a good and honest living, and giving to those in need. These are the main beliefs in Sikhism.”
I: (Importance and Influence )
Is it important in your life? 
“I consider being Sikh a very important part of my life, I pray and I live by its teachings.”
What influence does it have on how you take care of yourself?
“I meditate quite a lot, I feel as though it keeps me calm and I don’t think negatively in many ways due to it.”
C: (Community)
Are you part of a spiritual or religious community?
“I go to a Gurudwara, a Sikh temple, every week and most of the people there are very religious and practice Sikhism. My family is Sikh as well.”
Is this of support to you and how?
“It does support me, I enjoy being around people with the same mindset and it is usually a place where there is a sense of calm and serenity.”
A: (Address)
Are there any restrictions you would like for me to apply when I give out your healthcare due to your religion? 
“I believe there is no medical reason to interfere with my beliefs.”
Puchalski, C. (2021). Spiritual Care in Health Care: Guideline, Models, Spiritual Assessment and the Use of the ©FICA Spiritual History Tool. Palgrave Macmillian.…
Spiritual Assessment Tool-FICA. (2006).…
      A culture is defined as the beliefs, customs, and material traits of a group or individuals. A patient’s cultural background influences their perception of a provider and their adherence to their treatment regimens. For instance, if a patient has a bias against a provider due to their race or religion, they may not follow the treatment plan. Also, if a non-English speaking patient comes into the hospital, you must consider their cultural needs and accommodate them. Being culturally aware can help identify and address the biases that contribute to the wide disparities in healthcare. Understanding these biases can help improve the quality of care and reduce the cost of care (Edgoose et al., 2019).  Therefore, being culturally aware is just as crucial as being culturally competent in addressing the needs of people with different cultural backgrounds.
       Consequently, spirituality and religion are often present in modern healthcare. For instance, a patient with cultural beliefs is not able to trust doctors. Therefore, as part of the spiritual assessment, I used the HOPEassessment tool (Saguil & Phelps, 2012). My patient is a 77-year-old African-American female that lives alone. The patient reports she was taught to always trust in God for everything. Because of her cultural beliefs, she does not always trust doctors because she believes in prayer and home remedies for most treatment.  To that end, I asked the following questions (Saguil & Phelps, 2012):
H: sources of hope
What are your sources of hope, strength, comfort, and peace?
“God is my strength, and I rely on him for my salvation. He gives me peace during difficult times.” 
O: organized religion
Are you part of a religious or spiritual community?
“I am a deaconess board member at my church. I have been a member for 49-years..”
Does your church family/religion help you?
“When I need to talk to someone, I can call the church members and the pastor. This time, I didn’t want to bother anyone”.
P: personal spirituality and practices
Do you have personal spiritual beliefs?
“I believe in God and that He will take care of me.”
What aspects of your spirituality or spiritual practices do you find most helpful?
“I pray daily and read my Bible. I love to sing to God.” 
E: effects on medical care and end-of-life issues
Does your current situation affect your ability to do the things that usually help you spiritually?
“I know I have several medical issues, and the devil is trying to destroy me, but nothing will stop me from being with the Lord.”
Is there anything that your provider can do to help you access the resources that usually help you?
“I just want to take my medication like the doctor said for my depression, and the devil can get out of my way.”
American Academy of Family Physicians (n.d.). Addressing implicit bias in health care delivery (Links to
an external site.).
Cadge, W. & Bandini, J. (2015). The evolution of spiritual assessment tools in healthcare (Links to an
external site.). Springer Science.
Edgoose, J., Quiogue, M., & Sidhar, K. (2019). How to identify, understand, and unlearn implicit bias in
patient care. American Academy of Family Physicians.….
Saguil, A. & Phelps, K. (2012). The spiritual assessment. American Academy of Family Physicians.…

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