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Share reflections, thoughts, or comments on E-lecture “Secularization” . Should be 350  words 
E-Lecture: Secularization – New Religious Revitalization Movements – Contemporary Religious Fundamentalism
E-Lecture: Secularization – New Religious Revitalization Movements – Contemporary Religious Fundamentalism
The Sacred and the secular in Modernity
The challenges of religion as they move through time to remain intact according to ancient traditions and beliefs as posed to them by modernization from mostly western influence. 
Secularization and Pluralism
The two features of the contemporary world that alter the religion would be secularization and pluralism.  Secularization is the influence over the social institutions and patterns of behavior of religion and pluralism is the growth of religious culture and diversity.  Secularizations has evolved religion to its own recognized category in society.  Pluralism is the problems associated with the multiple, diverse and competing belief systems and values of religion as they have evolved to be today.
The Reactions of Religious Fundamentalisms Today
Considered to be a worldwide phenomenon.  While most religions who are branded with the term “fundamentalist” they have rejected being labeled as such.  These groups are opposed to any modernization that poses a threat to their very traditional structure and beliefs.
The Characteristics of Contemporary Religious Fundamentalism
Fundamentalism has some common features no matter where in the world it’s practiced, for example, their response to the threat that modernization posses to their traditional beliefs.  All agree that their traditions should be defended and be able to remain intact although some may resort to violence some choose to do this without the use of violence.
American Protestant Fundamentalism
American Fundamentalism has its roots in protestant orthodox and American Puritanism of the 17th and 18th century but reached its plateau in the 1920s then saw a decline.  Now its more often found within the Southern Baptist Convention.
Contemporary Islamic Fundamentalism
Modernization of Islamic Revitalization Modernization is due to Westernization, from the 12th century Islamic traditions have been reshaped by the influence of western religious and political forces.  The one thing that has remained in tact over the centuries is the traditional Islamic worldview.  These world views include scientific and historical matters as well as ancient rules and laws concerning human life and social conduct.  The  primary threat to radical Islamic ideals are those form within who have “poisoned”  Muslim society. Some of the recent hostility is directed toward the west who are considered the “enemies of God” who have intervened in and failed to recognize the authority of Islamic law.
Contemporary Islamic Fundamentalists Leaders and movements Islam appoints a jujaddid or “soldier of God” who is not bound by the interpretation of legal experts of the schools or interpretation to carry out a renewal of Islamic movements that glorify the struggles, sacrifices and victories of the great successors.

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