solved I’m working on a writing question and need a sample

I’m working on a writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Write a routine email requesting more information from the representative of a business software training company you met at a recent business conference. The goal is to refresh the person’s memory about your conversation and request additional information about their products and services. In this instance you will position yourself as the CEO, president, or manager of the company. Your company should be framed as a fictitious company, not a real company or one that you are currently working for, and should relate to your area of concentration and career interest(s), For example, if you are interested in marketing your company might be a marketing agency. If you are interested in accounting, your company might be an accounting firm, if you are interested in finance, your company might be a financial investment company, etc. Please note: It is likely that you will need to do a little research on the type of services offered by business software training companies, for example, Be sure that the information you are requesting makes sense for the type of company you are representing..
Please include the following content:
A Salutation
An introduction that refreshes the person’s memory as to who you are, what you do, how you met, and why you are contacting them.
Body Paragraph. Ask for very specific information about their product or services relative to your company’s needs and let them know your time line for implementation (when would you like to have the product/service in place).
Closing. In closing, show your appreciation for their attention to the matter and give them a specific time limit for responding to your request for information.

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