solved I need replies to my peers discussion posts, one reference

I need replies to my peers discussion posts, one reference each, only within the last 5 years 100 to 200 words each should be enough. I’ve included their discussions questions. DQ Question 1:Sister Mary is a patient in Level 2 Emergency Department. She must have a neural examination, physical assessment, radiographs of her facial bones, and a computed tomography scan of the head. Taking into consideration that she is a Roman Catholic nun, what would be the ideal course of patient education as this woman progresses from department to department?DQ Question 2:What possible reservations could a health care professional have in working with Sister Mary? (Discuss the psychosocial responses the professional might have.) Peer discussion questions: 1) Kamarie ( DQ2) One of the biggest reservations that a healthcare professional may have working with Sister Mary is that their religious beliefs may not align with the roman catholic values. They also may be worried about offending them in some way. As healthcare professionals, we know that religion is so important to our patients and want to incorporate it as much as we can into their stay. Involving religion can improve patients outcomes and this may be why the health care worker has reservations about working with Sister Mary because they do not want to offend her and decrease her positive outcomes (Muelle et al., 2001). Healthcare professionals may be worried that Sister Mary will refuse everything due to her religion or that she may not want treatment because she wants to leave it in God’s hands. When it comes to psychosocial responses the healthcare professional may be worried that other healthcare members do not have any information on the religion. It would also be an opportunity to expand their knowledge so that they can provide other members of the healthcare team with information on the religion.ReferencesMueller, P., Plevak, D., & Rummans, T. (2001). Religious involvement, spirituality, and medicine: implications for clinical practice. Mayo Clinic. 2) Jessica (DQ2) The difference in culture, origin, and worldviews significantly affects how healthcare professionals handle various patients. Consequently, while working with Sister Mary, a healthcare professional’s possible reservations could have include spirituality, social beliefs, and religious beliefs. Spirituality is the connection between human beings and supernatural being, essential in patients’ lives. Nonetheless, most health providers do not talk about religious beliefs and spirituality during patient education due to various reasons, such as poor communication, psychosocial factors, and time limits (Henderson et al., 2018). A health professional should remain respectful and culturally competent; thus, a health professional should desist from discrimination and judging a patient by appearance, dialect, spiritual inclination, degree of illness, and behavior. Cultural competence is essential in providing quality and patient-centered care; therefore, while working with Sister Mary, a health provider should make reservations that do not contravene her social beliefs. In a clinical setting, health providers come across patients, such as Sister Mary, who have varied beliefs and cultures; thus, a health professional should reserve their ideas to learn and understand Mary’s religious and cultural beliefs (Lin et al., 2017). Moreover, other reservations a health professional could make include offering compassion and love to Sister Mary, irrespective of the differences in their cultural and social beliefs. Reservations in health care allow healthcare professionals to tailor-make the treatment process to suit every patient; thus, it requires critical thinking, justice, beneficence, and nonmaleficence. ReferencesHenderson, S., Horne, M., Hills, R., & Kendall, E. (2018). Cultural competence in healthcare in the community: a concept analysis. Health & social care in the community, 26(4), 590-603.Lin, C. J., Lee, C. K., & Huang, M. C. (2017). Cultural competence of healthcare providers: A systematic review of assessment instruments. Journal of Nursing Research, 25(3), 174-186. 3) Cendrille (DQ2) Health professionals may have some difficulties dealing with the psychosocial factors; however, some might not be aware of signs that could warn them of these factors with an impact on the usefulness of patient teaching (Falvo, 2011, pg.82). While caring for Sister Mary, healthcare professionals might struggle with her religious beliefs and factors simply because the health care professionals might not be familiar with the practice and might not be sure what sister Mary will accept or not. Giving patients information about their condition or treatment without considering factors that may facilitate or hinder their following recommendations is not only an inefficient use of time but also leads to poor patient teaching outcomes (Falvo, 2011, pg. 82). It is important for healthcare professionals to have an effective connection with his/her patients and understand the psychosocial factors of the patient so that the patient can be assisted with health care education. Personally, I will be worried about making her comfortable because I have a shallow understanding of her religious needs to provide care specific to her in a way that she would accept. However, when any health care professionals spend time with patient communicating the needs, it helps in the overall patient care outcome and also make the health care professional a better health educator.ReferenceFalvo, Donna. 2011. Effective Patient Education A Guide to Increased Adherence. Fourth Edition. Retrieved from 4) Kamarie (DQ1) In order to have proper patient education, we would first need to make sure that she is comfortable, being a nun there will be things that she isn’t comfortable with and it would be important to ask her what she is comfortable with or if she has any requests. By making her comfortable there is a higher chance of a positive patient outcome and improves their satisfaction (Beaulieu-Volk, 2015). If she had any religious restrictions those should be passed along so that everyone providing care is aware. Roman Catholics have very specific beliefs and some of those include modesty so explaining to Sister Mary what the physical exam entails and even seeing if she wants a certain gender for a provider. We have to remember as health care workers that we have to respect everyone’s religion and if we don’t understand it we can look it up or even ask the patient questions about their religion so that we can better serve them. For Sister Mary, it would be important to educate her prior to each department for instance just explaining what the neuro exam is for and what kind of questions that we will be asking. It would also be important to encourage Sister Mary to ask questions throughout the process.ReferencesBeaulieu-Volk, D. (2015, February 26). 3 reasons to make patient comfort a priority. FierceHealthcare. Jessica (DQ1) As health care providers it is important to remain aware and understanding of the patient’s beliefs. Part of effective teaching would be to ask questions to prevent any barriers to patient teaching (Falvo, 2011). Considerations that a health care provider should take into account for a Roman Catholic nun is that if she is going to be NPO, she may request Communion. She may also wish to keep her crucifix or rosary beads with her. This would be especially important during radiographs. Additionally, nuns wear a “habit” over their hair to symbolize purity, chastity, and shows that she is married to God. It would be important to communicate this to other health care providers as Sister Mary travels between departments, so that all members of her health care team can understand and respect her beliefs (Arritt, ND).References:Arritt, T. (ND). Caring for…Patients of Different Religions. Retrieved from Lippincott®Nursing Center:, D. (2011). Effective Patient Education: A Guide to Increased Adherence. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.6) Isatu (DQ1) Patient education is very important and incorporating patient belief and culture is essential in their care. The nurse goals are to broadening their knowledge about cultural and religious diversity prior to assessing Sister Mary (Arritt, 2014). The nurse must also research religious practices specific to the patient to enhance their healthcare experience (Arritt, 2014). Teaching for this patient needs to be patient and faith centered. Patient should be cared for and respected for their belief and culture. Getting a thorough assessment and learning about Sister Mary beliefs will be the first place to start. The nurse can also ask about religious preference rather than assuming (Arritt, 2014). Her religious belief must be included in every step of the visit and education. Roman Catholic nuns like to always keep a rosery by their side during procedures, the nurse must be aware of it and try to incorporate it in the patient care as the patient progress from department to department (Arritt, 2014).ReferencesArritt, T. (2014). Caring for…Patients of different religions. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! 12(6), 38–45.

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