solved I need support with this Management question so I can

I need support with this Management question so I can learn better.

You  have been asked by NoJax to come in as a consultant and analyze the  business for factors that impact the organizational behavior of the  company. NoJax would like to ensure that their company design is current  and that their employees are as efficient as possible. You have been  analyzing several elements of the organization structure and behaviors  using the NoJax Company Background document  to identify areas of improvement. You will use that information to  provide NoJax a new reorganization plan to continue their success, to be  more efficient, and to stay ahead of their competition.
In your reorganization report, address the following questions:

Using  your behavior analysis from module 01, provide a detailed plan to  positively change current employee behavior. Include at least three  aspects of diversity that will have a positive impact on the behavior of  the organization. What new processes and continued training plans can  NoJax implement to ensure successful assimilation of new employees?
Utilizing  the Big-Five personality traits you identified in module 02, relate  them to how management can affect organization culture. How can the  culture be altered in a positive manner to improve relationships with  management and employees? What plan will you put in place to continue  the positive relationships?
Include  the key elements you identified in module 03 that go into creating an  organization as you describe NoJax’s company structure. How can the  basic structure of NoJax be improved to better align business goals and  employee objectives? Include at least five elements to improve the  structure.
Using  the barriers in communication you identified in module 04, propose at  least one change for each of NoJax’s barriers, so they are able to  change their communication process. How will a more effective and  supportive communication process have the most impact and build better  relationships and a stronger culture within the company?
Utilizing  what you identified in module 05 as the process of decision-making  NoJax currently uses, how can they become more efficient and better use  the negotiation process? Make sure you identify each step of the  decision-making process NoJax currently uses. Then you will need to add  any elements of the decision-making process that are missing. If any  current step is not working or is weak, you will need to describe how  NoJax can improve each of those steps to be more efficient.
In  your proposed change for NoJax from module 06, how should each  management person best use their management style to have the greatest  positive impact on employees? How can management maintain a balance  between the current culture and making new and improved relationships to  minimize resistance to change? Include at least six elements in your  plan.

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