solved I would like for the topic to be along the

I would like for the topic to be along the lines of Marijuana and it’s affects with serotonin(depression). The PICOT question is due on the 23rd!Draft of paper is due on 10/14Final Draft is due sometime in NovemberLearning Outcomes for the ROL Assignment 1. Identify relevant primary research evidence related to an identified nursing problem/clinical issue. 2. Analyze and interpret findings from the research evidence. Discuss the current state of research-based knowledge. Discuss adequacy of knowledge to direct change in clinical nursing practice. Discuss the potential impact of the findings on and relevance to clinical nursing practice. 3. Demonstrate use of appropriate academic writing skills and accurate APA formatting. Review of Literature Writing Assignment Identify an appropriate descriptive nursing problem. Feel free to use one on the list provided. Topics and PICOT questions must be approved by Dr. Becker Locate 5 research articles from research journals regarding the variable. Articles must have been published within the past 8 years. Nursing research journals should be given priority; other professional research journals may be used IF you are not able to locate 5 articles from nursing research journals. Must be PRIMARY RESEARCH STUDIES. -NO LITERATURE REVIEWS, META-ANALYSIS, META-SYNTHESIS OR BEST PRACTICE GUIDELNES. Must be primary sources. Using the ROL guidelines and the Review of Research Article Guidelines, write a review of literature that includes an introduction, review of each of the five articles and a synthesis of the findings of all the articles. The ROL should be a minimum of 7 pages and make use of APA formatting. Refer also to the lecture notes from class related to Review of Literature and this assignment, as well as the grading rubric.First level headings should be used to organize the paper – Introduction, Review of Literature, Synthesis and Discussion. Refer to APA guidelines. The paper should be written an academic writing style (formal writing) and make use of transitions in the body of the paper to move from the discussion of one article to another. Review of Literature Guidelines IntroductionNursing problem and relevance to nursing (Focus and purpose of review) Include at least one reference/in text citation to support why this is important to nursing. Research Question (PICO[T]) questionOrganization of sources (ordering)BodyAnalysis of each research article (study), addressing all prompts for each source. Identify and discuss:Author(s)Year of StudyJournal in which the article was published (title)Discussion of the Review of Literature provided by the researchers (is the information discussed current, relevant, critiqued; are gaps in the knowledge base identified to support need for the current study)Purpose of the studyResearch design (quantitative or qualitative)SettingSample, sample sizeData CollectionQuantitative Study: Measurement method/Tool, including name of tool and what it measures/description;reliability and validity of tool as provided by researchers; brief discussion of how study was carried out/how data was collectedQualitative Study: Data collection technique; brief discussion of how study was carried out/how data was collectedResults/Findings/ConclusionsQuantitative:Results/Findings discussed by the researchersConclusions provided by the researchersQualitative: Themes or categories identified by the researchersConclusions provided by the researchersStrengths and Limitations of this study (refer to our ‘cheat sheet’ for possible strengths and limitations). Include explanation/rationale as to why point is a strength or limitation. Synthesis/DiscussionCompile findings from all selected studiesAnalyze and interpret findings; specify current state of research-based knowledge: Concise presentation of research knowledge about selected topic—what is known and not knownDiscussion as to whether there is adequate knowledge to direct change in clinical practice Analysis of each research article (study), based on guidelines indicated in the Review of Research Article .All prompts must be addressed for each study. Identify and discuss: Brief statement of proposed potential impact on and relevance to nursing practice Paper Format Title PageIntroduction (no heading)Review of SourcesSynthesis and DiscussionReferences APA format:Make use of the resources posted in BlackBoard! This paper must be written following APA (7th e) guidelines, Times New Roman 12 double spaced. Include a reference list. Academic Writing: Refer to Academic Writing Guideline posted in BlackBoard in the Assignments tab. No first person/limit first person, limit pronouns. Tone of writing: Do not refer to authors by first names, and do not identify the title of the article. That is what the reference page is for.Example: Becker(2017) examined the relationship between drinking coffee and being happy.

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