solved I’m stuck on a Psychology question and need an explanation.
I’m stuck on a Psychology question and need an explanation.
Discuss the major body systems that are most likely involved in Stan’s stress. Address his anxiety, fears, alcohol and drug use, impotence, etc.
Regarding the “fight-or-flight” alarm concept, give one example of a chronic, non-life threatening situation in Stan’s life where this alarm reaction is activated and describe the impact on his over all well-being. A helpful definition to the “fight-or-flight” response can be found at:
While watching the video, The Stress Test, and using the The fight or flight response diagram, answer the following:
1. Identify at least 3 fight or flight responses that you think the subjects in the video may be experiencing
2. Describe the reactions you were having while watching the subjects in the video. Were any of them similar to the fight or flight responses identified in the diagram?Â
3. Describe a recent situation where your fight or flight response was activated.
Video link: