solved I’m working on a Science exercise and need support. After

I’m working on a Science exercise and need support.

After reading Chapter 2 Border Disputes from Seung’s Connectome (see attached file), please complete the following multiple choice and short writing. Please select the best choice from the options given.Question 1:Which choice best describes the explanation that a phrenologist or neophrenologist might give as to why one 5-year-old child (Roxy) can read while another 5-year-old child (Dylan) is not yet able to?A: Dylan was born with a larger head than Roxy.B: One child is a boy and one child is a girl.C: Roxy was read to and practiced reading more than Dylan.D: Roxy has cortical thickening due to access to an enriched environment with lots of library books but Dylan had never been to a library.E: An fMRI revealed that the neuronal activity in Roxy’s prefrontal cortex is much higher than Dylan’s.Question 2:Selection bias can complicate many scientific studies. Which choice(s) include a selection bias for a study conducted to determine the cause of artistic talent?A: Compare the size of occiptal corticies from 10 professional artists and 10 people who self-report lack artistic ability.B: Compare the change in sizes of occipital lobes of 10 people selected at random prior to aquiring artistic ability with those same 10 people 1 year later after completing a year-long art program.C: Compare the fMRI data from 10 first-year fine art students with 10 first-year chemistry students.D: A and BE: A and CQuestion 3:In which of the following scenarios, is it most likely that the individual will recover language ability?A: A 78-year-old man suffers a massive stroke in his left temporal lobe last week.B: A 1-year-old child severely damaged the left hemisphere of her brain in a car accident.C: A 20-year-old woman damaged her Broca’s area 3 months ago in a car accident and has yet to speak.D: A 40-year-old man had the left hemisphere of his brain removed yesterday to treat his epilepsy.Question 4:Which of the following explains why V. S. Ramachandran was able to elicit a sensation in a patient’s amputated limb by gently touching the patient’s face?A: Sensory neurons dedicated to the upper arm and face remapped to the brain region once used by the lower arm.B: The neurons required for sensation in the lower arm died.C: The face and lower arm use the same sensory neurons.D: The amputation of the limb caused a trauma in the brain as well.Question 5: ( Short Explain)Seung uses a factory worker analogy to illustrate why bigger muscles have a high positive correlation to stronger muscles but the same is NOT true for the brain. In your own words, explain why this is not true for the brain and be sure to include a comparison of a factory where each worker completes the same task vs. a factory that is more complex where each worker cooperates with each other to complete different tasks.

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