solved Imagine that you lead an organization and have just received

Imagine that you lead an organization and have just received notice that the organization is the named defendant in a lawsuit. Your legal counsel is on contract and it costs you $1000 just to get them on the telephone, and the organization’s finances are relatively tight.
Using the concepts from Chapter 3 in the textbook, identify and explain your reasoning behind the 5 or 6 most-important things you would want to know about the complaint, the plaintiff, or your organization’s relationship with the plaintiff, before you make the call to your attorney.

My response: 
To effectively prepare for the case, The complaints must be throughly read through. The complaint is the document that the judge will have. It will influence the direction that the persecution will take. Understanding the items in the document will give an idea of what is being held against the organization and can be essential in forming the basis of my defense. Getting the background information may be vital in determining whether the case can be solved by negotiation. Negotiation can either be done between the parties or through some intermediaries such as advocates. Solving issues by negotiation can allow the parties to save time and money and come to a solution that favors all the parties. 
Getting the background information will also inform us about the evidence we have and how it can be used to support our claim. The information will allow us to understand our witnesses and the number of documents we may need to win the case. It will also allow us to prepare psychologically and fetch all associated records. Understanding the organization’s relationship with the plaintiff can enable us to understand where the issue arose from and what can be done to prevent similar issues from happening in the future.

Respond to 3 classmates. Do not sound repetitive. 100 words
Thanks  for sharing! I agree with you. The complaints are a very important part of the case since this is the first action taken. As you mentioned, reading through this will make the situation more clear for the defendant to understand why a lawsuit has been filed. I love that you talked about solving things by negotiation. That is definitely a much better route if it can be solved this way. What other things do you think are important before contacting an attroney? I think that jurisdiction is something that should be thought about since negotiation cannot always solve problems. It is always best to know all of your options, especially in a situation like this where the organization doesn’t have much extra money for an attroney and lawsuit. Like you stated, finding the relationship between the plaintiff and defendant is also necessary to understand how the lawsuit begin and how to prevent it from occurring again. 
I agree with all of your points of reasoning. Getting a thorough understanding of the plaintiff and their complaint is a great way to start understanding what the next steps will be and what to anticipate. I also like your ideas around negotiating with the other party. Do you think it is a good idea to attempt communication directly with the plaintiff without or before your attorney is involved? I have seen some arguments online (see first source) with very different opinions on if this is wise or not, and I would like to know your thoughts. I have also found good reasoning to try and reach some kind of settlement outside of court (see second source), I agree that is court can be avoided then it probably should. 
           All in all, I like how focused you are in being prepared for what might come next. I know with computers everywhere many people are less inclined to make and keep paper trails on many happenings relating to their personal lives and even their businesses. Do you think with all the digital copies of data on the internet it is still wise to keep paper trails?
Absolutely…  determining the legitimacy of the claim and if discovered the organization was at fault or liable implementing processes to prevent future occurrences would be the right approach. This organization overall is financial strapped and cannot afford another lawsuit.   In my response I also weighed the importance of knowing the allotted time to respond.   Would this also be key to identify and explain your reasoning behind the most important things you would want to know?   In the textbook it indicates pleadings can often lack details, if the claim did not provide details, what legal action would you take to acquire additional details from the plaintiff (s).

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