solved In many ways, Western thought, perspective, and understanding dramatically changed

In many ways, Western thought, perspective, and understanding dramatically changed at the end of the nineteenth century. This week we are going to look at some of those changes, which led the West into both the light and darkness of the 20th century. This is the age of more sophisticated industrialization and the onset of what scholars call “modernity.” One can see these dramatic changes in the thought of philosophers, the experiments of scientists, the era’s works of art, and ultimately, the tremendous shift in the way in which we understand the universe. In this era, we see monumental advances in technology that would shape and shift the very environment in which we live. We also see a certain recognition among some of the West’s most notable thinkers that perhaps we do not really live in the world of positivity and progress once dictated by the Enlightenment thinkers. Psychologist Sigmund Freud posits that while he tends to believe in the efficacy of reason, modern man suffers from many irrational tendencies. Friedrich Nietzsche embraces the irrational, concluding “God is dead” and those late-nineteenth-century human beings are on their own, with nothing but their “will to power” to guide them. Finally, Albert Einstein toppled many of the thinkers of the “Scientific Revolution” with his theory of relativity, in which space and time became one. We are going to focus on these three thinkers this week as well as the concept of modernity itself. This trio of thinkers had a tremendous influence on the ways in which we interpret the world and our own humanity. You might ask just what is irrational about human beings? In the coming weeks, we will ponder that, as we watch much of the world plummet into horrible bouts of war and destruction. In other words, the twentieth century.Our primary document will be different than stated on the syllabus this week. I am presenting you with a wide selection of quotations from Nietzsche’s Will to Power and asking you to select a single quote to comment on. Please read as much as you can before selecting a quote so you can gain a broader knowledge of what Nietzsche’s all about. He is often crudely interpreted, and I would like you to seriously think about his thoughts, so to speak.Part One I am asking you to choose one of the following topics to write about: Sigmund Freud’s psychology, Albert Einstein’s physics, Modern Art, or the topic of “Modernity” itself. If you choose one of the two thinkers, start your post out with some brief biographical material and then demonstrate how that thinker’s work broke with the past. In other words, these were revolutionary thinkers. In what ways were they revolutionary? If you choose Modern Art, or “Modernity” do something similar. How did either break with the past? What were the differences between pre-modern art and modern art? Or, how do you define “Modernity” and how did it break with the past? Must be 250 words or more. Part TwoBegin your post about Nietzsche with some biographical information. Then choose a quote from Will to Power to respond to. The lengths of the quotes vary but I am not concerned with the length of the quote you choose, just make sure to choose something that will enable you to write 250 words. The quotation itself will not be counted as part of your post. You must write 250 words about the quote itself.References: Western Civilization A Brief History, vol. II Since 1600. Eleventh Edition…… Watch “Inside Einsteins Mind”

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