solved In the American War for Independence, Americans had to decide

In the American War for Independence, Americans had to decide either to support the war effort (patriots) or to support the British (loyalists). For the forum, respond to the following question: Imagine that you were an American colonist at the time of the revolution. Would you have been a patriot or a loyalist? What arguments would you use to support your position? How would you respond to arguments on the other side?In your initial post you should: 1) describe yourself as a colonist (race, gender, occupation, region, etc.) 2) take a clear a position on whether you would be a patriot or a loyalist; 3) address arguments in at least three documents supporting your position; 4) respond to arguments in at least two documents opposed to your position. Your post should be at least 250 words long.You may use APA, Chicago/Turabian or MLA.【Notes on Sources】You should use only the textbook, documentary, and the provided documents to respond to the question. Whenever, you make reference to a document, you should cite it – e.g. (Document A). If you use words directly from a document, you should use quotation marks. Please note that it is usually more effective to put the argument of a document in your own words, and if you do include a direct quotation, you should always explain its significance.

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