solved In this assignment, you are going to listen to several
In this assignment, you are going to listen to several Depression Era songs and analyze their meaning in the context of the Depression. Do not do outside research! You need to listen to the songs (read the lyrics) and interpret them yourself. You can use the information from your textbook.The song lyrics are attached in a document in chronological order by the year they were released.The links for the songs are posted below the Assignment tab in the Canvas home page. They are also pasted into the lyrics sheet, and you can copy and paste them into your browser.***Write an essay that discusses the songs, the meaning of the lyrics, how they fit with specific historical events, New Deal programs, etc. What are some of the differences you see from the start of the Depression toward the end in 1939? Why do you think these songs were popular? Why are some upbeat and others negative? Do you think people would rather have been entertained and uplifted, or did they want music that reflected their reality? Make sure you think about race as well. Make sure you mention specific New Deal programs and events from the Depression. While you do not need to write about every one of the posted songs, you need to write about at least 4 from Group A songs and 4 from Group B songs.
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